Even COVID-19 can’t stop NPR’s series of Tiny Desk ConÂcerts, which has preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured Yo-Yo Ma, Adele, Wilco, The PixÂies, and many, many othÂer talÂentÂed musiÂcians. As NPR explains below, the perÂforÂmance involved a litÂtle bit of techÂnolÂoÂgy and some magÂic. Enjoy:
It didÂn’t take long for BilÂlie EilÂish to become one of the biggest pop stars in the world, sweep the GramÂmy Awards’ major catÂeÂgories and release the latÂest James Bond theme. And today, at just 18, she and her brothÂer, Finneas, have accomÂplished what no one has been able to do for five and a half months: perÂform a Tiny Desk conÂcert in what cerÂtainÂly appears to be the NPR Music offices.
Of course, due to safeÂty conÂcerns, even the NPR Music staff can’t set foot in the buildÂing that housÂes Bob Boilen’s desk. But if you look over EilÂish’s shoulÂder, there’s no misÂtakÂing the signs that she’s appearÂing at the Tiny Desk in its present-day form: On the last day before staff began workÂing from home, I took home the Green Bay PackÂers helÂmet that sat on the top shelf — the one HarÂry Styles had signed a few weeks earÂliÂer — for safe keepÂing. In this perÂforÂmance, that spot is empÂty.
So how the heck did they do it?
HonÂestÂly, it’s best that you watch the whole video to expeÂriÂence the extent of the techÂniÂcal feat — which, in the spirÂit of EilÂish’s SatÂurÂday Night Live perÂforÂmance, they’re willÂing to share with you. And thankÂfulÂly, we still have our ways of phoÂtographÂing the desk, even if the room has fallÂen silent.
So setÂtle in for a welÂcome jolt of Tiny Desk innoÂvaÂtion, not to menÂtion two of the excelÂlent standÂalone sinÂgles BilÂlie EilÂish has released in the past year: “my future” and “everyÂthing i wantÂed.” And, seriÂousÂly, be sure to watch until the very end.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
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