As every grade schoolÂer knows (and delights in workÂing into conÂverÂsaÂtion), cows have a tenÂdenÂcy towards flatÂuÂlence. At first this just deterred kids from going into aniÂmal husÂbandry, but now those kids have come to assoÂciate the pheÂnomÂeÂnon of fartÂing liveÂstock with a largÂer issue of interÂest to them: cliÂmate change. From cows’ rear ends comes methane, “one of the most harmÂful greenÂhouse gasÂes and a major conÂtribÂuÂtor to cliÂmate change,” as Adam SatarÂiÂano puts it in a recent New York Times artiÂcle on sciÂenÂtifÂic research into the probÂlem. “If they were a counÂtry, cows would rank as the world’s sixth-largest emitÂter, ahead of Brazil, Japan and GerÂmany, accordÂing to data comÂpiled by RhodiÂum Group, a research firm.”
For some, such bovine damÂage to the cliÂmate has proÂvidÂed a reaÂson to stop eatÂing beef. But that’s hardÂly the soluÂtion one wants to endorse if one runs a comÂpaÂny like, say, BurgÂer King. And so we have the Reduced Methane EmisÂsions Beef WhopÂper, the prodÂuct of a partÂnerÂship “with top sciÂenÂtists to develÂop and test a new diet for cows, which accordÂing to iniÂtial study results, on averÂage reduces up to 33% of cows’ daiÂly methane emisÂsions per day durÂing the last 3 to 4 months of their lives.” The main effecÂtive ingreÂdiÂent is lemonÂgrass, as anyÂone can find out by lookÂing up the proÂjecÂt’s forÂmuÂla online, where BurgÂer King has made it pubÂlic — or as the marÂketÂing camÂpaign stressÂes, “open source.”
That camÂpaign also has a music video, directÂed by no less an auteur of the form than Michel Gondry. In it the EterÂnal SunÂshine of the SpotÂless Mind and Be Kind Rewind filmÂmakÂer has eleven-year-old counÂtry musiÂcian Mason RamÂsey and eight othÂer WestÂern-attired youngÂsters sing about the role of cow flatÂuÂlence in cliÂmate change and BurgÂer King’s role in addressÂing it. All of this presents a natÂurÂal opporÂtuÂniÂty for Gondry to indulge his sigÂnaÂture handÂmade aesÂthetÂic, at once clumÂsy and slick, childÂlike and refined. You may recÂogÂnize RamÂsey as the boy yodelÂing “Lovesick Blues” at WalÂmart in a video that, origÂiÂnalÂly postÂed two years ago, has now racked up nearÂly 75 milÂlion views. BurgÂer King sureÂly hopes to capÂture some of that viralÂiÂty to proÂmote its cliÂmate-mindÂedÂness — and, of course, to encourÂage viewÂers to have a Reduced Methane EmisÂsions Beef WhopÂper “while supÂplies last.”
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
FilmÂmakÂer Michel Gondry Presents an AniÂmatÂed ConÂverÂsaÂtion with Noam ChomÂsky
The Coen BrothÂers Make a TV ComÂmerÂcial — RidiÂculÂing “Clean Coal”
McDonald’s Opens a Tiny RestauÂrant — and It’s Only for Bees
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall, on FaceÂbook, or on InstaÂgram.
Here are the objecÂtive facts. Decide for yourÂself!: