When asked once about his beliefs, This AmerÂiÂcan Life creÂator Ira Glass replied that he believes “the car is the best place to lisÂten to the radio.” That seems to be a culÂturÂalÂly supÂportÂed perÂcepÂtion, or at least it has been in over the past half-cenÂtuÂry in AmerÂiÂca. But does it hold true in othÂer counÂtries? Does lisÂtenÂing to the radio in the car feel as good in LonÂdon, Buenos Aires, MumÂbai, and Tokyo as it does in ChicaÂgo, New York, MiaÂmi, and Los AngeÂles?
You can see and hear for yourÂself with the wealth of virÂtuÂal urban-driÂving-and-radio-lisÂtenÂing expeÂriÂences on offer at DriÂve & LisÂten, where you can take your pick from any of the aforeÂmenÂtioned cities and 40 othÂers besides. The site makes this posÂsiÂble by bringÂing togethÂer two forms of media that have come into their own on the interÂnet of the 21st cenÂtuÂry: streamÂing radio and streamÂing video.
In most every major metÂroÂpolÂiÂtan area, radio staÂtions now make their broadÂcasts availÂable online. At the same time, YoutuÂbers have by now shot and uploaded a great many through-the windÂshield views of all those places, creÂatÂing the once-unlikeÂly enterÂtainÂment genre of the driÂving video.
Here we’ve includÂed some prime examÂples from popÂuÂlar Youtube driÂver J Utah, whose scope includes AmerÂiÂcan cities large and small as well as such world capÂiÂtals as Tokyo, Paris, SinÂgaÂpore, Hong Hong, and SĂŁo Paulo. All in 4K video.
Click on one of the cities on DriÂve & LisÂten’s menu, and chances are you’ll see one of J Utah’s videos. It will come with a streamÂing-radio soundÂtrack, sourced from one of the staÂtions in the city or counÂtry on disÂplay. Your virÂtuÂal Havana driÂve may be accomÂpaÂnied by announceÂments of the news of the day, your virÂtuÂal IstanÂbul driÂve by TurkÂish rock, your virÂtuÂal ChicaÂgo driÂve by an NPR affilÂiÂate (perÂhaps even WBEZ, home of This AmerÂiÂcan Life), your virÂtuÂal GuadalaÂjara driÂve by socÂcer scores, your virÂtuÂal MiaÂmi driÂve by straight-ahead jazz, your virÂtuÂal Berlin driÂve by PatÂti Smith.
Each time you select a city, you’ll get a difÂferÂent comÂbiÂnaÂtion of radio staÂtion and driÂving footage. As every driÂver knows, day driÂving and night driÂving — to say nothÂing of rush hour verÂsus the wee hours — feels comÂpleteÂly difÂferÂent, and so the driÂvers of Youtube have shot at all posÂsiÂble times. Some of their routes thread right between downÂtown skyÂscrapÂers, while othÂers stick to freeÂways along the outÂskirts. As a resÂiÂdent of Seoul, I can tell you that DriÂve & LisÂten accuÂrateÂly conÂveys the expeÂriÂence of ridÂing in a cab through that city — proÂvidÂed you first crank the video speed up to 2x.
Enter DriÂve & LisÂten here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Take a DriÂve Through 1940s, 50s & 60s Los AngeÂles with VinÂtage Through-the-Car-WinÂdow Films
LonÂdon Mashed Up: Footage of the City from 1924 LayÂered Onto Footage from 2013
ReadÂing While DriÂving, SeriÂousÂly?
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall, on FaceÂbook, or on InstaÂgram.
I want to go to AmerÂiÂca to work, whatÂevÂer that job may be, and from this I will conÂtact you and return the news to me