From Ted-Ed comes a video that answers a timeÂly quesÂtion: How fast can a vacÂcine be made?
They write: “When a new pathogen emerges, our bodÂies and healthÂcare sysÂtems are left vulÂnerÂaÂble. And when this pathogen causÂes the outÂbreak of a panÂdemÂic, there’s an urgent need for a vacÂcine to creÂate wideÂspread immuÂniÂty with minÂiÂmal loss of life. So how quickÂly can we develÂop vacÂcines when we need them most? Dan Kwartler describes the three phasÂes of vacÂcine develÂopÂment.” ExploratoÂry research, clinÂiÂcal testÂing, and manÂuÂfacÂturÂing.
When you’re done, you can watch their relatÂed video: When is a panÂdemÂic over?
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