Watch it go. And thank Simon AnthoÂny when it’s done. And, oh, check out his YouTube ChanÂnel, CrackÂing the CrypÂtic…
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I love how the puzÂzle solver goes from “this is a joke” to “well I guess I could try this step but I don’t believe I will get very far” to “this puzÂzle is a work of genius!” The growÂing enthuÂsiÂasm of the puzÂzle solver is infecÂtious!
TruÂly enjoyÂable and a great menÂtal exerÂcise, thank you for pointÂing it out — kudos to Simon, and even bigÂger one to the puzÂzle’s creÂator! And there goes my mornÂing, sigh…three hours latÂer, and I am still hooked on a variÂety of sudoku brainÂteasers this site has to offer!
TrueÂType delightÂful to watch and hear you in action. InspirÂing!