Ladies and gentleman, the greatest rock n roll band in the world, the Rolling Stones. Live, in quarantine, at home, performing “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” Any theories on what’s the story with Charlie’s drum kit? And why they have red in their homes? Enjoy.
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The Stones rocked it, and I love the casual version. Why does Charlie not have any drums??
So happy
Was great to see them. They rocked it. Made me very happy in these troubled times. Where was Charlie’s drums? Anyway, Good show kudos to everyone.😀
Ronnie is a cool ol’bugger 👍
Older than me and I’m 73!
They have not lost it…playing till they are called offstage! The way it should be.
Charlie Watts was playing the device called “freedrums” which you can Google and buy.
I’ve. Been saying it from 1964 THE STONES MAN GTG
He wasn’t really playing the FREEDRUMS either. Freedrums sense velocity so you would see correlating motions if he really was playing them. Watch demos of others. Besides, if it was all live where was the backing vocal chorus? Still, some good live playing. Mick was great.
Very cool to see this. Like all musicians stuck at home all over the world. We’re all the same. Human. Especially Keith! haha. Charlie doesn’t keep drums at home, so my theory is that he chose not to have his tech or assistant(s) deliver any to his home. Also, in a Modern Drummer magazine article years ago he famously stated “The drumset scares me a bit. I don’t play drums for me, I play drums for Keith Richards.”
Charlie is so good he does not need drums to make his magic.
It is amazing how Mick still has the same spark and soul he had as a young man!
I have seen you all since I was a teenager when you every time you come to the Motor City and every single time you get better and better and I was so proud of all of you last night it just really touched my heart,you are the greatest rock and roll band in the entire history of the world in there will never be the likes of you again stay well stay healthy I hope you live forever !!!!
Absolutely the best song! Thank you boys! Been loving you since you first came along!Stay safe gentlemen and keep spreading your love!
From Michigan USA.
I was fifteen when Some Girls dropped, and I fell in love with the Stones and have never stopped. Thank-you for being part of our lives.
I’m also 73 Joe. Sitting in my cabin in Northern Canada watching the ice melt on the lake while I enjoy the memories this song brings back to me. Dave
You can’t play in real time over the internet due to latency, so how did they do this?
Was wondering the same. I’ve tried to do so & video always seems to be fine, it’s the audio that lags. There HAS to be a program that fixes said issue. It’s 2020 for Gods sake. 🙄🥁
Love that. Love the drums. These guys are some of the most well-preserved musos in the world.
I’d like to post a photo?
He’s playing an electronic kit
There has to be a first musician. That would be Mick. The video is then sent to the next, then the next, then the next. Layered on. Same way people can add tracks remotely. They are not playing in real time.
Thanks, guys! You were fabulous, as always!
He was air drumming to Mick’s drum machine, in a show of solidarity.
I agree Tippy didn’t look like he was playing freedrums but awesome gig anyway!
This is amazing! Too amazing, as some have pointed out. Don’t you think they were lip synching and (totally) unplugged?
They were not lip synching, too much ad lipping. Watch again. The bass and drums were prerecorded, Charlie played along perfectly.
Thank You so much!
This put me in the best mood that I have been in since this horrible pandemic hit! Love the Stones forever, always have! Thank you!!! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
Thank you. That was distracting from the message.
Love The Stones. Saw them in L.A. in 1968. At The Palladium. Two best live concerts I’ve ever seen was The Stones and The Doors !
Their not on stage playing in front 50000 people but they still keep you watching!! Thank you!
Thank you for, making my day, July 22, 2020.
It’s a gas! Reading all comments,