Watch the Rolling Stones Play “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” While Social Distancing in Quarantine

Ladies and gen­tle­man, the great­est rock n roll band in the world, the Rolling Stones. Live, in quar­an­tine, at home, per­form­ing “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” Any the­o­ries on what’s the sto­ry with Char­lie’s drum kit? And why they have red in their homes? Enjoy.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch the Rolling Stones Write “Sym­pa­thy for the Dev­il”: From Jean-Luc Godard’s ’68 Film One Plus One

Mick Jag­ger Tells the Sto­ry Behind ‘Gimme Shel­ter’ and Mer­ry Clayton’s Haunt­ing Back­ground Vocals

Jef­fer­son Air­plane Wakes Up New York; Jean-Luc Godard Cap­tures It (1968)

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Comments (31)
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  • Paige Duckworth says:

    The Stones rocked it, and I love the casu­al ver­sion. Why does Char­lie not have any drums??

  • Martha says:

    So hap­py

  • Margy says:

    Was great to see them. They rocked it. Made me very hap­py in these trou­bled times. Where was Char­lie’s drums? Any­way, Good show kudos to every­one.😀

  • Macca says:

    Ron­nie is a cool ol’bug­ger 👍

  • Joe Kloza says:

    Old­er than me and I’m 73!
    They have not lost it…playing till they are called off­stage! The way it should be.

  • Scott Homewood says:

    Char­lie Watts was play­ing the device called “free­drums” which you can Google and buy.

  • Gord Prentice says:

    I’ve. Been say­ing it from 1964 THE STONES MAN GTG

  • Tippy top says:

    He was­n’t real­ly play­ing the FREEDRUMS either. Free­drums sense veloc­i­ty so you would see cor­re­lat­ing motions if he real­ly was play­ing them. Watch demos of oth­ers. Besides, if it was all live where was the back­ing vocal cho­rus? Still, some good live play­ing. Mick was great.

  • Steve Bernal says:

    Very cool to see this. Like all musi­cians stuck at home all over the world. We’re all the same. Human. Espe­cial­ly Kei­th! haha. Char­lie does­n’t keep drums at home, so my the­o­ry is that he chose not to have his tech or assistant(s) deliv­er any to his home. Also, in a Mod­ern Drum­mer mag­a­zine arti­cle years ago he famous­ly stat­ed “The drum­set scares me a bit. I don’t play drums for me, I play drums for Kei­th Richards.”

  • The Wrongo says:

    Char­lie is so good he does not need drums to make his mag­ic.

  • Lonnie says:

    It is amaz­ing how Mick still has the same spark and soul he had as a young man!

  • Kristy Murphy Adelson says:

    I have seen you all since I was a teenag­er when you every time you come to the Motor City and every sin­gle time you get bet­ter and bet­ter and I was so proud of all of you last night it just real­ly touched my heart,you are the great­est rock and roll band in the entire his­to­ry of the world in there will nev­er be the likes of you again stay well stay healthy I hope you live for­ev­er !!!!

  • Elizabeth Srock says:

    Absolute­ly the best song! Thank you boys! Been lov­ing you since you first came along!Stay safe gen­tle­men and keep spread­ing your love!
    From Michi­gan USA.

  • kimberly says:

    I was fif­teen when Some Girls dropped, and I fell in love with the Stones and have nev­er stopped. Thank-you for being part of our lives.

  • Dave Hett says:

    I’m also 73 Joe. Sit­ting in my cab­in in North­ern Cana­da watch­ing the ice melt on the lake while I enjoy the mem­o­ries this song brings back to me. Dave

  • Mike Overly says:

    You can’t play in real time over the inter­net due to laten­cy, so how did they do this?

  • Kyle Kelli says:

    Was won­der­ing the same. I’ve tried to do so & video always seems to be fine, it’s the audio that lags. There HAS to be a pro­gram that fix­es said issue. It’s 2020 for Gods sake. 🙄🥁

  • Robina says:

    Love that. Love the drums. These guys are some of the most well-pre­served musos in the world.
    I’d like to post a pho­to?

  • Greg Benoit says:

    He’s play­ing an elec­tron­ic kit

  • Franko says:

    There has to be a first musi­cian. That would be Mick. The video is then sent to the next, then the next, then the next. Lay­ered on. Same way peo­ple can add tracks remote­ly. They are not play­ing in real time.

  • Beth Poole says:

    Thanks, guys! You were fab­u­lous, as always!

  • Darryl says:

    He was air drum­ming to Mick’s drum machine, in a show of sol­i­dar­i­ty.

  • Pat v says:

    I agree Tip­py didn’t look like he was play­ing free­drums but awe­some gig any­way!

  • Keiko says:

    This is amaz­ing! Too amaz­ing, as some have point­ed out. Don’t you think they were lip synch­ing and (total­ly) unplugged?

  • Randy says:

    They were not lip synch­ing, too much ad lip­ping. Watch again. The bass and drums were pre­re­cord­ed, Char­lie played along per­fect­ly.

  • Brian Faison says:

    Thank You so much!

  • Sandy Zock says:

    This put me in the best mood that I have been in since this hor­ri­ble pan­dem­ic hit! Love the Stones for­ev­er, always have! Thank you!!! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

  • Mark Morey says:

    Thank you. That was dis­tract­ing from the mes­sage.

  • Michael Izzo says:

    Love The Stones. Saw them in L.A. in 1968. At The Pal­la­di­um. Two best live con­certs I’ve ever seen was The Stones and The Doors !

  • Tony Savala says:

    Their not on stage play­ing in front 50000 peo­ple but they still keep you watch­ing!! Thank you!

  • Yvonne says:

    Thank you for, mak­ing my day, July 22, 2020.
    It’s a gas! Read­ing all com­ments,

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