Free Books About Pandemic & Contagion from Duke University Press

From Duke Uni­ver­si­ty Press comes free books on pan­demics and con­ta­gion. They write: “Amid the world­wide spread of COVID-19, it’s a chal­leng­ing time, and our thoughts are with those affect­ed by this dis­ease. In sup­port and sol­i­dar­i­ty, we are pro­vid­ing free access to the fol­low­ing books and jour­nal arti­cles to help build knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of how we nav­i­gate the spread of com­mu­ni­ca­ble dis­eases. List­ed books are free to read online until June 1, 2020, and jour­nal arti­cles are free until Octo­ber 1.” Titles include: Con­ta­gious: Cul­tures, Car­ri­ers, and the Out­break Nar­ra­tive; Vir­u­lent Zones: Ani­mal Dis­ease and Glob­al Health at China’s Pan­dem­ic Epi­cen­ter; Red State, Blue State, Flu State: Media Self-Selec­tion and Par­ti­san Gaps in Swine Flu Vac­ci­na­tions; and more. Enter the col­lec­tion here.

via Hyper­al­ler­gic

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.