A heads up to all parÂents, AudiÂble has announced that they’re proÂvidÂing free stoÂries for kids durÂing this periÂod of social disÂtancÂing, which inevitably means wideÂspread school cloÂsures. They write:
For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. StartÂing today, kids everyÂwhere can instantÂly stream an incredÂiÂble colÂlecÂtion of stoÂries, includÂing titles across six difÂferÂent lanÂguages, that will help them conÂtinÂue dreamÂing, learnÂing, and just being kids.
All stoÂries are free to stream on your deskÂtop, lapÂtop, phone or tablet.
Explore the colÂlecÂtion, select a title and start lisÂtenÂing.
It’s that easy.
WinÂnie the Pooh, Alice’s AdvenÂtures in WonÂderÂland, BeatÂrix PotÂter–they’re all availÂable as free audio.
You can find more free audio books in our colÂlecÂtion, 1,000 Free Audio Books: DownÂload Great Books for Free…
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
A DigÂiÂtal Archive of 1,800+ Children’s Books from UCLA
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