ForÂmerÂly a NASA FelÂlow at the GodÂdard Space Flight CenÂter, Dr James O’Donoghue now works as a planÂeÂtary sciÂenÂtist at the JapanÂese space agency JAXA. He also hosts a video chanÂnel on YouTube. Above, you can watch his high-res remake of a NASA aniÂmaÂtion proÂduced back in 2008. Here’s how NASA framed the origÂiÂnal clip:
Three fifths of the EarthÂ’s surÂface is under the ocean, and the ocean floor is as rich in detail as the land surÂface with which we are familÂiar. This aniÂmaÂtion simÂuÂlates a drop in sea levÂel that gradÂuÂalÂly reveals this detail. As the sea levÂel drops, the conÂtiÂnenÂtal shelves appear immeÂdiÂateÂly. They are mostÂly visÂiÂble by a depth of 140 meters, except for the ArcÂtic and AntarcÂtic regions, where the shelves are deepÂer. The mid-ocean ridges start to appear at a depth of 2000 to 3000 meters. By 6000 meters, most of the ocean is drained except for the deep ocean trenchÂes, the deepÂest of which is the MarÂiÂanas Trench at a depth of 10,911 meters.
In 51 secÂonds, watch and see where the great drainÂing ends…
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
A RadÂiÂcal Map Puts the Oceans–Not Land–at the CenÂter of PlanÂet Earth (1942)
PerÂpetÂuÂal Ocean: A Van Gogh-Like VisuÂalÂizaÂtion of our Ocean CurÂrents
An intelÂlecÂtuÂal, but othÂerÂwise pointÂless exerÂcise, seeÂing that the oppoÂsite is positÂed to hapÂpen over the next cenÂtuÂry.
An interÂestÂing and perÂtiÂnent folÂlow-on aniÂmaÂtion would also present the changes on curÂrent landÂmass biolÂoÂgy, ie, how much of that greenÂery remains, givÂen cliÂmacÂtic changes and potenÂtial scourÂing of curÂrent topogÂraÂphy.
Also, does the proÂjectÂed topoÂgraphÂic modÂel of a de-watered Earth serve as a useÂful refÂerÂence modÂel for evalÂuÂatÂing the hisÂtoÂry of othÂer planÂets?
!!! WOW !!!
HelÂlo Admin
I don’t know much about our mothÂer nature. But one thing I know for sure that we are harmÂing our planÂet. A fasÂciÂnatÂing and approÂpriÂate folÂlow-on moveÂment would likeÂwise disÂplay the proÂgresÂsions on curÂrent landÂmass sciÂence, ie, the amount of that greenÂery stays, givÂen cliÂmacÂtic changes and potenÂtial scourÂing of curÂrent geogÂraÂphy.
LikeÂwise, does the anticÂiÂpatÂed topoÂgraphÂic modÂel of a de-watered Earth fill in as a helpÂful refÂerÂence modÂel for assessÂing the hisÂtorÂiÂcal backÂdrop of difÂferÂent planÂets? Your WebÂsite is very interÂestÂing.
Thanks for sharÂing this