Below, you can hear jourÂnalÂist David Epstein talks with Recode’s Kara SwishÂer about his book, Range: Why GenÂerÂalÂists TriÂumph in a SpeÂcialÂized World. In it, “he argues that the world’s most sucÂcessÂful athÂletes, artists, musiÂcians, invenÂtors, foreÂcastÂers and sciÂenÂtists are more likeÂly to be dabÂblers, rather than peoÂple who set out to do what they do best from a young age — and, in fact, the peoÂple who have highÂly speÂcialÂized trainÂing from an earÂly age tend to have lowÂer lifeÂtime earnÂings overÂall.” The #1 New York Times bestÂselling book makes the case that “in most fields—especially those that are comÂplex and unpredictable—generalists, not speÂcialÂists, are primed to excel. GenÂerÂalÂists often find their path late, and they jugÂgle many interÂests rather than focusÂing on one. They’re also more creÂative, more agile, and able to make conÂnecÂtions their more speÂcialÂized peers can’t see.”
You can pick up a copy of Range: Why GenÂerÂalÂists TriÂumph in a SpeÂcialÂized World in print, or get it as a free audio book if you sign up for a 30-day free triÂal with
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FanÂtasÂtic mateÂrÂiÂal here; I loved the book. I do wish, in the interÂview, that the interÂviewÂer would have allowed Epstein to finÂish a senÂtence or thought before speakÂing again.