CerÂtain cult hisÂtorÂiÂcal figÂures have served as preÂscient avatars for the techÂno-visionÂarÂies of the digÂiÂtal age. Where the altruÂisÂtic utopiÂan designs of BuckÂminÂster Fuller proÂvidÂed an ideÂal for the first wave of SilÂiÂcon ValÂley pioÂneers (a group includÂing comÂputÂer sciÂenÂtist and philosoÂpher Jaron Lanier and Wired ediÂtor Kevin KelÂly), latÂer entreÂpreÂneurs have hewn closÂer to the prinÂciÂples of brilÂliant sciÂenÂtist and invenÂtor NikoÂla TesÂla, who believed, as he told LibÂerÂty magÂaÂzine in 1935, that “we sufÂfer the derangeÂment of our civÂiÂlizaÂtion because we have not yet comÂpleteÂly adjustÂed ourÂselves to the machine age.”
Such an adjustÂment would come, TesÂla believed, only in “masÂterÂing the machine”—and he seemed to have supreme conÂfiÂdence in human mastery—over food proÂducÂtion, cliÂmate, and genetÂics. We would be freed from onerÂous labor by automaÂtion and the creÂation of “a thinkÂing machine” he said, over a decade before the invenÂtion of the comÂputÂer. TesÂla did not anticÂiÂpate the ways such machines would come to masÂter us, even though he canÂniÂly foreÂsaw the future of wireÂless techÂnolÂoÂgy, comÂputÂing, and teleÂphoÂny, techÂnoloÂgies that would radÂiÂcalÂly reshape every aspect of human life.
In an earÂliÂer, 1926, interÂview in ColÂliers magÂaÂzine, TesÂla preÂdictÂed, as the ediÂtors wrote, comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing “instantÂly by simÂple vest-pockÂet equipÂment.” His actuÂal words conÂveyed a much grander, and more accuÂrate, picÂture of the future.
When wireÂless is perÂfectÂly applied the whole earth will be conÂvertÂed into a huge brain, which in fact it is…. We shall be able to comÂmuÂniÂcate with one anothÂer instantÂly, irreÂspecÂtive of disÂtance. Not only this, but through teleÂviÂsion and teleÂphoÂny we shall see and hear one anothÂer as perÂfectÂly as though were face to face, despite interÂvenÂing disÂtances of thouÂsands of miles; and the instruÂments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazÂingÂly simÂple comÂpared with our present teleÂphone. A man will be able to carÂry one in his vest pockÂet.
The comÂplexÂiÂty of smart phones far outÂstrips that of the teleÂphone, but in every othÂer respect, Tesla’s picÂture maps onto the realÂiÂty of almost 100 years latÂer. OthÂer aspects of Tesla’s future sceÂnario for wireÂless also seem to anticÂiÂpate curÂrent techÂnoloÂgies, like 3D printÂing, though the kind he describes still remains in the realm of sciÂence ficÂtion: “WireÂless will achieve the closÂer conÂtact through transÂmisÂsion of intelÂliÂgence, transÂport of our bodÂies and mateÂriÂals and conÂveyance of enerÂgy.”
But Tesla’s vision had its limÂiÂtaÂtions, and they lay preÂciseÂly in his techÂno-optiÂmism. He nevÂer met a probÂlem that wouldn’t evenÂtuÂalÂly have a techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal soluÂtion (and like many othÂer techÂno-visionÂarÂies of the time, he heartiÂly endorsed state-sponÂsored eugenÂics). “The majorÂiÂty of the ills from which humanÂiÂty sufÂfers,” he said, “are due to the immense extent of the terÂresÂtriÂal globe and the inabilÂiÂty of indiÂvidÂuÂals and nations to come into close conÂtact.”
WireÂless techÂnolÂoÂgy, thought TesÂla, would help eradÂiÂcate war, poverÂty, disÂease, polÂluÂtion, and genÂerÂal disÂconÂtent, when were are “able to witÂness and hear events—the inauÂguÂraÂtion of a PresÂiÂdent, the playÂing of a world series game, the havÂoc of an earthÂquake or the terÂror of a battle—just as though we were present.” When interÂnaÂtionÂal boundÂaries are “largeÂly oblitÂerÂatÂed” by instant comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion, he believed, “a great step will be made toward the uniÂfiÂcaÂtion and harÂmoÂnious exisÂtence of the varÂiÂous races inhabÂitÂing the globe.”
TesÂla did not, and perÂhaps could not, foreÂsee the ways in which techÂnoloÂgies that bring us closÂer togethÂer than ever also, and at the same time, pull us ever furÂther apart. Read TesÂla’s full interÂview here, in which he also preÂdicts that women will become the “supeÂriÂor sex,” not by virtue of “the shalÂlow physÂiÂcal imiÂtaÂtion of men” but through “the awakÂenÂing of the intelÂlect.”
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
ElecÂtric PhoÂto of NikoÂla TesÂla, 1899
The Secret HisÂtoÂry of SilÂiÂcon ValÂley
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
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