The RoyÂal SociÂety for the EncourÂageÂment of Arts, ManÂuÂfacÂtures and ComÂmerce, betÂter known as the RoyÂal SociÂety for the Arts, and best known simÂply as the RSA, was foundÂed in 1754. At the time, nobody could have imagÂined a world in which the peoÂple of every land, no matÂter how far-flung, could hear the same talks by well-known scholÂars and speakÂers, let alone see them aniÂmatÂed as if on a conÂferÂence-room whiteÂboard. Yet even back then, in an era before the invenÂtion of aniÂmaÂtion and whiteÂboards, let alone comÂputÂers and the interÂnet, peoÂple had an appetite for strong, often counÂterÂinÂtuÂitive or even conÂtrarÂiÂan ideas to diagÂnose and potenÂtialÂly even solve social probÂlems — an appetite for which the RSA AniÂmate series of videos was made.
We can’t underÂstand what goes right and what goes wrong in our sociÂeties withÂout underÂstandÂing how we think. To that end the RSA has comÂmisÂsioned aniÂmatÂed videos based on talks by psyÂchiÂaÂtrist Iain McGilchrist on our “dividÂed brain,” forÂmer politÂiÂcal strateÂgist (and curÂrent RSA Chief ExecÂuÂtive) Matthew TayÂlor on how our left and right brains shape our polÂiÂtics, psyÂcholÂoÂgist Steven Pinker on lanÂguage as a winÂdow into human nature, philosoÂpher-sociÂolÂoÂgist RenaÂta SaleÂcl on the paraÂdoxÂiÂcal downÂside of choice, psyÂcholÂoÂgist Philip ZimÂbarÂdo on our perÂcepÂtion of time, “social and ethÂiÂcal prophet” JereÂmy Rifkin on empaÂthy, philosoÂpher Roman KrzÂnarÂic on “outÂroÂspecÂtion,” jourÂnalÂist BarÂbara EhrenÂreÂich on “the darkÂer side of posÂiÂtive thinkÂing,” and behavÂioral-ecoÂnomÂics researcher Dan Ariely on driÂve and disÂhonÂesty.
EcoÂnomÂics is anothÂer field that has proÂvidÂed the RSA with a surÂfeit of aniÂmatÂable mateÂrÂiÂal — even of the kind “econÂoÂmists don’t want you to see,” as the RSA proÂmotes econÂoÂmist Ha-joon Chang’s talk on “why every sinÂgle perÂson can and SHOULD get their head around basic ecoÂnomÂics” and “how easÂiÂly ecoÂnomÂic myths and assumpÂtions become gospel.”
FreakoÂnomÂics co-authors Steven Levitt and Stephen DubÂnÂer make an appearÂance to break down altruÂism, and “ecoÂnomÂic geoÂgÂraÂphÂer” David HarÂvey attempts to enviÂsion a sysÂtem beyond capÂiÂtalÂism. And on the parts of the intelÂlecÂtuÂal map where ecoÂnomÂics overÂlaps polÂiÂtics, the RSA brings us figÂures like Slavoj Ĺ˝iĹľek, who “invesÂtiÂgates the surÂprisÂing ethÂiÂcal impliÂcaÂtions of charÂiÂtaÂble givÂing.”
As, in essence, an eduÂcaÂtionÂal enterÂprise, RSA AniÂmate videos also look into new ways to think about eduÂcaÂtion itself. EduÂcaÂtionÂalÂist CarÂol Dweck examÂines the issues of “why kids say they’re bored at school, or why they stop tryÂing when the work gets hardÂer” by lookÂing at what kind of praise helps young stuÂdents, and what kind harms them.
EduÂcaÂtion and creÂativÂiÂty expert Sir Ken RobinÂson explains the need to change our very parÂaÂdigms of eduÂcaÂtion. And accordÂing to the RSA’s speakÂers, those aren’t the only parÂaÂdigms we should change: Microsoft Chief EnviÂsionÂing OffiÂcer Dave Coplin argues that we should re-imagÂine work, and techÂnolÂoÂgy critÂic EvgeÂny MoroÂzov argues that we should rethink the “cyber-utopiÂanism” that has exposed harmÂful side-effects of our digÂiÂtal world.
But it is in this world that the RSA proÂmotes “21st-cenÂtuÂry enlightÂenÂment,” a conÂcept furÂther explored in anothÂer talk by Matthew TayÂlor — and one of which you can get a few dosÂes, ten minÂutes at a time, on the full RSA AniÂmate Youtube playlist. Watch the comÂplete playlist of 21 videos, from start to finÂish, below.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Decline of Civilization’s Right Brain: AniÂmatÂed
Dan Ariely’s AniÂmatÂed Talk Reveals How and Why We’re All DisÂhonÂest
The HisÂtoÂry of Music Told in SevÂen RapidÂly IllusÂtratÂed MinÂutes
48 AniÂmatÂed Videos Explain the HisÂtoÂry of Ideas: From ArisÂtoÂtle to Sartre
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
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