ImagÂine a famous magÂaÂzine ediÂtor, and smart monÂey says the image that comes to mind has a bob hairÂcut and sunÂglassÂes. No one has defined the role of magÂaÂzine-ediÂtor-as-culÂturÂal-force, and so conÂsisÂtentÂly lived it, more than Anna WinÂtour, and the online eduÂcaÂtion comÂpaÂny MasÂterÂclass has someÂhow conÂvinced her to take her hand off the wheel of Vogue — and put aside those overÂsized shades — just long enough to star in a course about how she steers that beheÂmoth of a pubÂliÂcaÂtion through the waters of fashÂion. “I know many peoÂple are curiÂous about who I am and how I approach my work,” WinÂtour says in the trailÂer above. “This is a class for those who want to underÂstand my leadÂerÂship style, and then underÂstand the expeÂriÂences that have helped me become an effecÂtive leader.”
You may well have already heard a thing or two about WinÂtour’s leadÂerÂship style, the famousÂly exactÂing nature of which has proÂvoked difÂferÂent reacÂtions from difÂferÂent peoÂple (and posÂsiÂbly even inspired a bestÂselling novÂel and its feaÂture-film adapÂtaÂtion).
But as WinÂtour herÂself explains it, “you need someÂone who can push you, that isn’t pulling you back” — senÂsiÂble advice even for leadÂers of comÂpaÂnies, teams, and classÂrooms who don’t mind proÂjectÂing a someÂwhat more laid-back image. But even for those who want to project as much indiÂvidÂual strength and resolve as posÂsiÂble, “it’s realÂly, realÂly imporÂtant to surÂround yourÂself with a team whose opinÂions that you trust, who are not in any way frightÂened of disÂagreeÂing with you, and you have to lisÂten.”
In her MasÂterÂclass, WinÂtour teachÂes, in othÂer words, “how to be a boss.” That phrase appears at the top of its sylÂlabus, whose twelve lessons include “Anna’s ManÂageÂment Tips” and “EdiÂtoÂrÂiÂal DeciÂsion-MakÂing” as well as “PhoÂtogÂraÂphers and ModÂels,” “A Look Back at IconÂic CovÂers,” and “TransÂformÂing the Met Gala.” Though geared toward viewÂers with an interÂest in the busiÂness of fashÂion (case studÂies include the careers of MiucÂcia PraÂda and Michael Kors), “Anna WinÂtour TeachÂes CreÂativÂiÂty and LeadÂerÂship” also offers prinÂciÂples for any human endeavÂor that requires invenÂtion, group work, and meetÂing hard deadÂlines over and over again. You can sign up for WinÂtour’s course here.
FYI: If you sign up for a MasÂterÂClass course by clickÂing on the affilÂiÂate links in this post, Open CulÂture will receive a small fee that helps supÂport our operÂaÂtion.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Annie LeiÂbovitz TeachÂes PhoÂtogÂraÂphy in Her First Online Course
MarÂgaret Atwood Offers a New Online Class on CreÂative WritÂing
David Lynch TeachÂes an Online Course on Film & CreÂativÂiÂty
PhoÂtogÂraÂphÂer Bill CunÂningÂham (RIP) on LivÂing La Vie Boheme Above Carnegie Hall
George Orwell Blasts AmerÂiÂcan FashÂion MagÂaÂzines (1946)
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
CouldÂnt tell what this is for. Too many ads/pictures above.
CouldÂnt tell what this is for. Too many ads/pictures above.
If it is for the masÂterÂclass try havÂing MelaÂnia Trump teach it.