From the 92nd Street Y in New York City comes a wide-rangÂing conÂverÂsaÂtion feaÂturÂing MalÂcolm GladÂwell, Jonathan Haidt (NYU), Greg Lukianoff (FounÂdaÂtion for IndiÂvidÂual Rights in EduÂcaÂtion), and Lenore SkeÂnazy (founder of the Free-Range Kids moveÂment). Here’s a quick sumÂmaÂry of the ground they covÂer:
CivÂil disÂcourse is in decline, with potenÂtialÂly dire results for AmerÂiÂcan democÂraÂcy.
On colÂlege camÂpusÂes across AmerÂiÂca, visÂitÂing speakÂers are disÂinÂvitÂed, or even shoutÂed down, while proÂfesÂsors, stuÂdents, and adminÂisÂtraÂtors are afraid to talk openÂly, for fear that someÂone will take offense. PolitÂiÂcal disÂcusÂsion on social media and teleÂviÂsion has devolved into a wave of hyper-parÂtiÂsan noise. A genÂerÂaÂtion of overÂproÂtecÂtive parÂents are relucÂtant to let their chilÂdren play outÂside withÂout superÂviÂsion. How did we get here? And how can we change the way that we engage with one anothÂer?
Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt’s The CodÂdling of the AmerÂiÂcan Mind sounds the depths of this genÂerÂaÂtional criÂsis. Join us for a liveÂly disÂcusÂsion with the authors, presÂiÂdent of the non-profÂit Let Grow and founder of the Free-Range Kids moveÂment Lenore SkeÂnazy, and #1 New York Times bestÂseller MalÂcolm GladÂwell on how we as citÂiÂzens can engage with one anothÂer across the politÂiÂcal specÂtrum.
If it’s not already clear, the conÂverÂsaÂtion is based on Lukianoff and Haidt’s book The CodÂdling of the AmerÂiÂcan Mind: How Good IntenÂtions and Bad Ideas Are SetÂting Up a GenÂerÂaÂtion for FailÂure. SkeÂnazy is the author of Free-Range Kids, How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant ChilÂdren (WithÂout Going Nuts with WorÂry). If you sign up for a free triÂal with AudiÂble, you can downÂload copies of both books.
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I landÂed here by chance, but enjoyed this short, but conÂcise artiÂcle.
I smiled at the order of the words “PresÂiÂdent of the non-profÂit let grow and founder …”, even though it was not what the senÂtence actuÂalÂly meant if read in full.
I may take a look at the webÂsite ( when I have more time.