An Illustrated Version of The Mueller Report: Read Online an Edition Created by the Author of Black Hawk Down and an Illustrator from Archer

The 448 page Mueller Report does­n’t make for breezy beach read­ing. That’s for sure. But, “buried with­in the Mueller report, there is a nar­ra­tive that reads in parts like a thriller.” Work­ing with that the­o­ry, “hired Mark Bow­den, a jour­nal­ist and author known for his bril­liant works of nar­ra­tive non­fic­tion like Black Hawk Down, Killing Pablo, and Hue 1968.” And they gave him an assign­ment: “Use the inter­views and facts laid out in the Mueller Report (plus those from reli­able, fact-checked sources and pub­lished first­hand accounts)” and cre­ate an account that’s “so grip­ping it will hold your atten­tion (and maybe your con­gres­sion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive’s).” They also hired “Chad Hurd, an illus­tra­tor from the art depart­ment of Archer,” and “asked him to draw out scenes from the report to bring them to life.” Find the result­ing illus­trat­ed edi­tion of The Mueller Report right here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Mueller Report Released as a Free Well-For­mat­ted eBook (by The Dig­i­tal Pub­lic Library of Amer­i­ca)

Watch a Star-Stud­ded Cast Read The Mueller Report: John Lith­gow, Kevin Kline, Sigour­ney Weaver, Annette Ben­ing & More

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  • Lonnie says:

    And they gave him an assign­ment: “Use the inter­views and facts laid out in the Mueller Report (plus those from reli­able, fact-checked sources and pub­lished first­hand accounts)” They also told him: “Be sure to make Trump look as bad as pos­si­ble! This is a good oppor­tu­ni­ty for pro­pa­gan­da, so if you don’t do this right, we won’t hire you again!”

  • Jonathan Collins says:

    Memo to all involved:
    Give it up. It’s over. Move on with your lives. You’ll be hap­pi­er, I promise!

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