The Mueller Report Released as a Free Well-Formatted eBook (by The Digital Public Library of America)

Boing Boing writes: “Back in April, Andrew Albanese from Pub­lish­ers Week­ly wrote a col­umn deplor­ing the abysmal for­mat­ting in the DoJ’s release of the Mueller Report, and pub­licly request­ing that the Dig­i­tal Pub­lic Library of Amer­i­ca pro­duce well-for­mat­ted ebook edi­tions, which they have now done!”

The Dig­i­tal Pub­lic Library of Amer­i­ca adds:

The Report On The Inves­ti­ga­tion Into Russ­ian Inter­fer­ence In The 2016 Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion, or the Mueller Report, is now freely avail­able in ebook for­mat to read on your phone or tablet from DPLA’s web­site and the Open Book­shelf col­lec­tion. The Mueller report was released to the pub­lic by the Depart­ment of Jus­tice as a PDF last month, ini­tial­ly in a for­mat that was not text-search­able. By mak­ing the report avail­able as an ebook in our Open Book­shelf col­lec­tion, any­one can down­load and read it for free, all in the Sim­plyE app — no library card or sign in required.

One of the pri­ma­ry objec­tives of DPLA’s ebooks work is to make the best open­ly-licensed e‑content avail­able to libraries and their patrons. For libraries offer­ing New York Pub­lic Library’s Sim­plyE app, the Mueller Report can be eas­i­ly inte­grat­ed into the ebook offer­ings made avail­able to their patrons. Sim­plyE and Open Book­shelf are freely avail­able to any­one with an iOS or Android device.

Read the Mueller Report today

Down­load on the web: Vis­it, down­load it in one click, and read it with your computer’s e‑reader like iBooks.

Read in Sim­plyE on your phone or tablet:

  1. Down­load the Sim­plyE app to your iOS or Android device.

  2. Use the library selec­tor icon in the upper left cor­ner, select Man­age Accounts, then Add Library, and select Dig­i­tal Pub­lic Library of Amer­i­ca.

  3. Find the Mueller Report in the top row.

To learn more about Open Book­shelf and oth­er DPLA ebooks offer­ings, vis­it DPLA’s Ebook work and the pro­duc­tion of the Mueller Report ebook is sup­port­ed by the Alfred P. Sloan Foun­da­tion.

You can also down­load The Mueller Report in an epub ver­sion here.

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via Boing Boing

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