In the earÂly mornÂing of March 18, 1990, two thieves entered the IsabelÂla StewÂart GardÂner MuseÂum in Boston and stole 13 pieces of preÂcious art, includÂing paintÂings by VerÂmeer and RemÂbrandt. To this day, those paintÂings, valÂued at $500 milÂlion dolÂlars, have nevÂer been recovÂered.
The stoÂry of the bold heist and the varÂiÂous attempts to recovÂer the paintings–they get told in a 10-part series of podÂcasts called Last Seen. CreÂatÂed by WBUR and The Boston Globe, the true-crime podÂcast “takes us inside the ongoÂing effort to bring back the jewÂels of the GardÂner colÂlecÂtion.” You can lisÂten to the engrossÂing episodes online, or via iTunes, StitchÂer and SpoÂtiÂfy. Or simÂply stream the episodes below. And if you know anyÂthing that cracks the case, there’s a $5 milÂlion dolÂlar reward.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
To delve deepÂer, you can also read two books on the mysÂtery: MasÂter Thieves: The Boston GangÂsters Who Pulled Off the World’s GreatÂest Art Heist and The GardÂner Heist: The True StoÂry of the World’s Largest Unsolved Art Theft.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Take a VirÂtuÂal RealÂiÂty Tour of the World’s Stolen Art
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