Cinema Lovers Rejoice, the New Criterion Channel Launches Today: Get a 14-Day Free Trial

If you lament­ed the demise of Film­struck last year, you’ll sure­ly wel­come the rise of the new Cri­te­ri­on Channel. It launch­es today. Accord­ing to Cri­te­ri­on, the “new ser­vice will host the Cri­te­ri­on Col­lec­tion and Janus Films’ ever-grow­ing library of more than 1,000 fea­ture films, 350 shorts, and 3,500 sup­ple­men­tary fea­tures, includ­ing trail­ers, intro­duc­tions, behind-the-scenes doc­u­men­taries, inter­views, video essays, com­men­tary tracks, and rare archival footage.” In addi­tion, you will get access to a “con­stant­ly refreshed selec­tions of Hol­ly­wood, inter­na­tion­al, art-house, and inde­pen­dent movies.”

The Cri­te­ri­on Chan­nel will launch in the U.S. and Cana­da. It can be accessed on desk­top browsers and also apps for Apple TV, Ama­zon Fire, Roku, iOS, and Android and Android TV devices. If you sign up now, you can get a 14 day free tri­al. Find more infor­ma­tion on the chan­nel here.

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  • Casey says:

    Char­ter mem­bers are pan­ning the ser­vice because their videos will not stream on Chrome­cast or on Chrome­books.
    Cri­te­ri­on says it is their fla­vor of High-Band­width Dig­i­tal Con­tent Pro­tec­tion (HDCP) that is the prob­lem. It just does not work on Chrome­cast or on Chrome­books.
    Sam­sung Galaxy S9 users also report Cri­te­ri­on con­tent will not stream on their devices.
    The ser­vice will not work for me on my Chrome­book, nor over Chrome­cast. It seems to work on my Ama­zon Fire TV stick.

  • Mark says:

    It works great on my Roku.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.