Download the ModulAir, a Free Polyphonic Synthesizer, and Make Your Own Electronic Sounds

Over the years, we’ve talked a fair share about elec­tron­ic music–from the ear­li­est days of the genre, through con­tem­po­rary times. Now, we give you a chance to make your own elec­tron­ic sounds.

Accord­ing to Syn­thopia, a por­tal devot­ed to elec­tron­ic music, “Full Buck­et Music has released Mod­u­lAir 1.0 – a free poly­phon­ic mod­u­lar syn­the­siz­er for Mac & Win­dows.” (For the unini­ti­at­ed, a poly­phon­ic synthesizer–versus a mono­phon­ic one–can play mul­ti­ple notes at once.) The Mod­u­lAir “is a mod­u­lar poly­phon­ic soft­ware syn­the­siz­er for Microsoft Win­dows (VST) and Apple macOS (VST/AU), writ­ten in native C++ code for high per­for­mance and low CPU con­sump­tion.” Watch a demo above, and down­load it here.

via Syn­thopia

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Every­thing Thing You Ever Want­ed to Know About the Syn­the­siz­er: A Vin­tage Three-Hour Crash Course

Leonard Bern­stein Intro­duces the Moog Syn­the­siz­er to the World in 1969, Play­ing an Elec­tri­fied Ver­sion of Bach’s “Lit­tle Fugue in G”

The Mas­ter­mind of Devo, Mark Moth­ers­baugh, Presents His Per­son­al Syn­the­siz­er Col­lec­tion

Free, Open Source Mod­u­lar Synth Soft­ware Lets You Cre­ate 70s & 80s Elec­tron­ic Music—Without Hav­ing to Pay Thou­sands for a Real-World Syn­the­siz­er

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