Is the sinÂguÂlarÂiÂty upon us? AI seems poised to replace everyÂone, even artists whose work can seem like an inviÂoÂlably human indusÂtry. Or maybe not. Nick Cave’s poignant answer to a fan quesÂtion might perÂsuade you a machine will nevÂer write a great song, though it might masÂter all the moves to write a good one. An AI-writÂten novÂel did almost win a JapanÂese litÂerÂary award. A suitÂably impresÂsive feat, even if much of the authorÂship should be attribÂuted to the program’s human designÂers.
But what about litÂerÂary critÂiÂcism? Is this an art that a machine can do conÂvincÂingÂly? The answer may depend on whether you conÂsidÂer it an art at all. For those who do, no artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence will ever propÂerÂly develÂop the theÂoÂry of mind needÂed for subÂtle, even movÂing, interÂpreÂtaÂtions. On the othÂer hand, one group of researchers has sucÂceedÂed in using “sophisÂtiÂcatÂed comÂputÂing powÂer, natÂurÂal lanÂguage proÂcessÂing, and reams of digÂiÂtized text,” writes Atlantic ediÂtor AdriÂenne LaFrance, “to map the narÂraÂtive patÂterns in a huge corÂpus of litÂerÂaÂture.” The name of their litÂerÂary critÂiÂcism machine? The HedoÂnomeÂter.
We can treat this as an exerÂcise in comÂpilÂing data, but it’s arguable that the results are on par with work from the comÂparÂaÂtive mytholÂoÂgy school of James FraÂzier and Joseph CampÂbell. A more immeÂdiÂate comÂparÂiÂson might be to the very deft, if not parÂticÂuÂlarÂly subÂtle, Kurt VonÂnegut, who—before he wrote novÂels like SlaughÂterÂhouse Five and Cat’s CraÂdle—subÂmitÂted a master’s theÂsis in anthroÂpolÂoÂgy to the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ChicaÂgo. His project did the same thing as the machine, 35 years earÂliÂer, though he may not have had the whereÂwithÂal to read “1,737 EngÂlish-lanÂguage works of ficÂtion between 10,000 and 200,000 words long” while strugÂgling to finÂish his gradÂuÂate proÂgram. (His theÂsis, by the way, was rejectÂed.)
Those numÂbers describe the dataset from Project GutenÂberg fed into the The HedoÂnomeÂter by the comÂputÂer sciÂenÂtists at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of VerÂmont and the UniÂverÂsiÂty of AdeÂlaide. After the comÂputÂer finÂished “readÂing,” it then plotÂted “the emoÂtionÂal traÂjecÂtoÂry” of all of the stoÂries using a “senÂtiÂment analyÂsis to genÂerÂate an emoÂtionÂal arc for each work.” What it found were six broad catÂeÂgories of stoÂry, listÂed below:
- Rags to RichÂes (rise)
- RichÂes to Rags (fall)
- Man in a Hole (fall then rise)
- Icarus (rise then fall)
- CinÂderelÂla (rise then fall then rise)
- OediÂpus (fall then rise then fall)
How does this endeavÂor comÂpare with Vonnegut’s project? (See him present the theÂoÂry below.) The novÂelÂist used more or less the same methodÂolÂoÂgy, in human form, to come up with eight uniÂverÂsal stoÂry arcs or “shapes of stoÂries.” VonÂnegut himÂself left out the Rags to RichÂes catÂeÂgoÂry; he called it an anomÂaly, though he did have a headÂing for the same risÂing-only stoÂry arc—the CreÂation Story—which he deemed an uncomÂmon shape for WestÂern ficÂtion. He did include the CinÂderelÂla arc, and was pleased by his disÂcovÂery that its shape mirÂrored the New TesÂtaÂment arc, which he also includÂed in his schema, an act the AI sureÂly would have judged redunÂdant.
ConÂtra VonÂnegut, the AI found that one-fifth of all the works it anaÂlyzed were Rags-to-RichÂes stoÂries. It deterÂmined that this arc was far less popÂuÂlar with readÂers than “OediÂpus,” “Man in a Hole,” and “CinÂderelÂla.” Its analyÂsis does get much more granÂuÂlar, and to allay our susÂpiÂcions, the researchers promise they did not conÂtrol the outÂcome of the experÂiÂment. “We’re not imposÂing a set of shapes,” says lead author Andy ReaÂgan, Ph.D. canÂdiÂdate in mathÂeÂmatÂics at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of VerÂmont. “Rather: the math and machine learnÂing have idenÂtiÂfied them.”
But the authors do proÂvide a lot of their own interÂpreÂtaÂtion of the data, from choosÂing repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtive texts—like HarÂry PotÂter and the DeathÂly HalÂlows—to illusÂtrate “nestÂed and comÂpliÂcatÂed” plot arcs, to proÂvidÂing the guidÂing assumpÂtions of the exerÂcise. One of those assumpÂtions, unsurÂprisÂingÂly givÂen the authors’ fields of interÂest, is that math and lanÂguage are interÂchangeÂable. “StoÂries are encodÂed in art, lanÂguage, and even in the mathÂeÂmatÂics of physics,” they write in the introÂducÂtion to their paper, pubÂlished on
“We use equaÂtions,” they go on, “to repÂreÂsent both simÂple and comÂpliÂcatÂed funcÂtions that describe our obserÂvaÂtions of the real world.” If we accept the premise that senÂtences and inteÂgers and lines of code are telling the same stoÂries, then maybe there isn’t as much difÂferÂence between humans and machines as we would like to think.
via The Atlantic
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Kurt VonÂnegut Maps Out the UniÂverÂsal Shapes of Our Favorite StoÂries
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
CuriÂous as to what Hal would think about this.
@VLH “What the Hal?”
It seems solipÂsisÂtic to imagÂine being moved to feel by a robotÂic creÂation.
The twist here: this artiÂcle was writÂten by a machine! ;-p
Isn’t HAL the idiom (name) givÂen the spaceÂship comÂputÂer in 2001 Space Odyssey instead of IBM (each letÂter one preÂviÂous) to avoid legal probÂlems?
Research crysÂtal enerÂgy and freÂquenÂcies — XS4ALL
Are there any quesÂtions which AI canÂnot answer: examÂple, humans’ articÂuÂlaÂtions are the limbs and the moveÂments of the limbs.
It is true that male and female have grown togethÂer on the planÂet earth for as long as bi-pedÂal kife has existÂed. These moveÂments in the cirÂcumÂferÂence of all turns, these range of motions in conÂtrast with all othÂer objects is how the tines of alphaÂbets have come into human exisÂtence for the use of lanÂguage… to quesÂtion the ratioÂnalÂiÂty of intelÂliÂgence in conÂtrast with the speed of cogÂniÂtion the artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence as humans inteÂgrate all the turnÂing through space and time, space and time hold the keys to exisÂtence, and artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence is conÂstructÂed and comÂprised of atoms, human biolÂoÂgy, human anatomÂiÂcal biolÂoÂgy, conÂstructs of polarÂiÂty, et cetera… JorÂdan PeterÂson Explains PsyÂchoÂanÂaÂlytÂic TheÂoÂry
Will artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence be capaÂble of accomÂplishÂing faster than light travÂel???????????????????????????????
Alpha ParÂtiÂcles and the Atom — Niels Bohr Library & Archives
LanÂguage is embedÂded withÂin exisÂtence by and because of polairit/time…
The CapÂture of ElecÂtrons by Alpha-ParÂtiÂcles
QuanÂtum MechanÂics: Schrödinger’s disÂcovÂery of the shape of atoms
Why are words conÂstructÂed of sylÂlaÂbles tranÂscribed with polarÂiÂty crysÂtalline in conÂtent, YowYow
TransÂvesÂtiÂgaÂtion TransÂpocaÂlypse GenÂder InverÂsion Kaia GerÂber Cindy CrawÂford Clone
The SymÂbolÂosÂphere, ConÂcepÂtuÂalÂizÂtion, LanÂguage and Neo-DualÂism
EndosymÂbiÂotÂic TheÂoÂry