The letÂter above goes to show two things. George RayÂmond Richard MarÂtin, othÂerÂwise known as George R.R. MarÂtin, or simÂply as GRRM, had fanÂtaÂsy and writÂing in his blood from a young age. Decades before he wrote his fanÂtaÂsy novÂel series A Song of Ice and Fire, which HBO adaptÂed into Game of Thrones, a 15-year-old George R. MarÂtin sent a fan letÂter to the now departÂed Stan Lee and Jack KirÂby, the legÂendary creÂators of SpiÂder-Man, the Hulk, Thor, the X‑Men and the FanÂtasÂtic Four (called “F.F.” in the letÂter).
When you read the note, you can immeÂdiÂateÂly tell that young MarÂtin was steeped in sci-fi and fanÂtaÂsy litÂerÂaÂture. He could also string togethÂer some fairÂly comÂplex senÂtences durÂing his teenage years — senÂtences that many adults would strugÂgle to write today. Above, you can watch MarÂtin read his 1963 fan letÂter note, and Stan Lee’s short reply: “We might want to quit while we’re ahead. Thanks for your kind words, George.” We’re all sureÂly glad that Lee and KirÂby kept going.
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