Acclaimed Ruth Bader Ginsburg Documentary, RBG, Airing Tonight on CNN

Although still play­ing in cin­e­mas through­out the coun­try, the new Ruth Bad­er Gins­burg documentary–simply called RBG–will air tonight (Sun­day) on CNN. Tune in at 8 p.m. Here’s a quick syn­op­sis:

At the age of 84, U.S. Supreme Court Jus­tice Ruth Bad­er Gins­burg has devel­oped a breath­tak­ing legal lega­cy while becom­ing an unex­pect­ed pop cul­ture icon. But with­out a defin­i­tive Gins­burg biog­ra­phy, the unique per­son­al jour­ney of this diminu­tive, qui­et war­rior’s rise to the nation’s high­est court has been large­ly unknown, even to some of her biggest fans – until now. RBG is a rev­e­la­to­ry doc­u­men­tary explor­ing Gins­burg ‘s excep­tion­al life and career from Bet­sy West and Julie Cohen.

Writ­ing in the New York Times, film crit­ic A.O. Scott observes that the “movie’s touch is light and its spir­it buoy­ant, but there is no mis­tak­ing its seri­ous­ness or its pas­sion. Those qual­i­ties res­onate pow­er­ful­ly in the dis­sents that may prove to be Jus­tice Ginsburg’s most endur­ing lega­cy, and RBG is, above all, a trib­ute to her voice.” Watch it tonight…

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Relat­ed Con­tent

When Vladimir Nabokov Taught Ruth Bad­er Gins­burg, His Most Famous Stu­dent, To Care Deeply About Writ­ing

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  • Ruth Trussell says:

    Is the time giv­en for this sec­ond show­ing of “RGB” tonight (9/09/2018) East­ern? I have a friend who lives in Col­orado and she believes it’s at 8:00pm there. Last week, it was an hour ear­li­er than the time giv­en where I live (Chica­go)! PLEASE CLARIFY!! Thanks!

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