“The world is on fire. Or so it appears in this image from NASA’s WorldÂview. The red points overÂlaid on the image desÂigÂnate those areas that by using therÂmal bands detect activeÂly burnÂing fires.”
The image and capÂtion above come from NASA’s GodÂdard Space Flight CenÂter. On a relatÂed page, they go into some more detail, explainÂing why good parts of Africa, Chile, Brazil and North AmerÂiÂca are aflame this sumÂmer. Droughts, extreme temÂperÂaÂtures, agriÂculÂturÂal practices–they’re all part of a worÂryÂing picÂture. View NASA’s picÂture in a largÂer forÂmat here.
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