ChristoÂpher R. Scotese, a geolÂoÂgist affilÂiÂatÂed with NorthÂwestÂern UniÂverÂsiÂty, has creÂatÂed an aniÂmaÂtion showÂing “the plate tecÂtonÂic evoÂluÂtion of the Earth from the time of Pangea, 240 milÂlion years ago, to the forÂmaÂtion of Pangea ProxÂiÂma, 250 milÂlion years in the future.” The blurb accomÂpaÂnyÂing the video on Youtube adds:
The aniÂmaÂtion starts with the modÂern world then winds it way back to 240 milÂlion years ago (TriÂasÂsic). The aniÂmaÂtion then reversÂes direcÂtion, allowÂing us to see how Pangea riftÂed apart to form the modÂern conÂtiÂnents and ocean basins. When the aniÂmaÂtion arrives back at the present-day, it conÂtinÂues for anothÂer 250 milÂlion years until the forÂmaÂtion of the next Pangea, “Pangea ProxÂiÂma”.
AccordÂing to an artiÂcle pubÂlished by NASA back in 2000, ScoteÂse’s visuÂalÂizaÂtion of the future is someÂthing of an eduÂcatÂed “guesstiÂmate.” “We don’t realÂly know the future, obviÂousÂly,” he says. “All we can do is make preÂdicÂtions of how plate motions will conÂtinÂue, what new things might hapÂpen, and where it will all end up.” You can see his preÂdicÂtions play out above.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
A Map Shows Where Today’s CounÂtries Would Be LocatÂed on Pangea
View and DownÂload NearÂly 60,000 Maps from the U.S. GeoÂlogÂiÂcal SurÂvey (USGS)
Yeah, he put that up nearÂly 3 years ago. You sure are on top of things!