Last fall, 60 MinÂutes spent some time with Alma DeutschÂer, a prodiÂgy on the piano and the vioÂlin. As her Wikipedia page tells us, “At age six she comÂposed her first piano sonata. At age sevÂen, she comÂpletÂed her first major comÂpoÂsiÂtion, the opera The SweepÂer of Dreams. Aged nine, she wrote a conÂcerÂto for vioÂlin and orchesÂtra, which she preÂmiered in a 2015 perÂforÂmance.” And at “the age of ten she comÂpletÂed her first full-length opera, CinÂderelÂla, which had its EuroÂpean preÂmiere in VienÂna on 29 DecemÂber 2016 under the patronÂage of conÂducÂtor Zubin Mehta.” Fast forÂward to age twelve, you can watch Alma pull off someÂthing that, at this point, shouldÂn’t come as a surÂprise. Above, 6o MinÂutes corÂreÂsponÂdent Bob PelÂley pulls four ranÂdom notes out of a hat. Then, soon enough, DeutschÂer uses the notes to start improvÂing a sonata. Watch more of her perÂforÂmances on her YouTube chanÂnel. And find more prodiÂgy perÂforÂmances in the RelatÂeds right below.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Great VioÂlinÂists PlayÂing as Kids: Itzhak PerlÂman, Anne-Sophie MutÂter, & More
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