It’s worth passÂing along a mesÂsage from UC BerkeÂley. AccordÂing to its news serÂvice, the “fastest-growÂing course in UC Berkeley’s hisÂtoÂry — FounÂdaÂtions of Data SciÂence [aka Data 8X] — is being offered free online this spring for the first time through the campus’s online eduÂcaÂtion hub, edX.” More than 1,000 stuÂdents are now takÂing the course each semesÂter at the uniÂverÂsiÂty.
Designed for stuÂdents who have not preÂviÂousÂly takÂen staÂtisÂtics or comÂputÂer sciÂence coursÂes, FounÂdaÂtions of Data SciÂence will teach you in a three-course sequence “how to comÂbine data with Python proÂgramÂming skills to ask quesÂtions and explore probÂlems that you encounter in any field of study, in a future job, and even in everyÂday life.”
When you sign up for the coursÂes, you will be givÂen two options: 1) the abilÂiÂty to “audit” the coursÂes for free, or 2) pay to take the coursÂes and receive a proÂfesÂsionÂal cerÂtifiÂcate. If you’re lookÂing for free, the audit option is your friend.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
A Free Course on Machine LearnÂing & Data SciÂence from CalÂtech
AlgoÂrithms for Big Data: A Free Course from HarÂvard
Where exactÂly is the audit page/option? When I click on purÂsue proÂgram, I get put into the checkÂout page… there is no audit option that I see?
Iam Iraqi stuÂdent junior high school and have a rate 91.6 , I would like to apply to one of the TurkÂish UniÂverÂsiÂties / denÂtistry colÂlege or parphamÂcolÂoÂgy.
Great post I have learned few things!