From Cao Shu, a new media artist at the ChiÂna AcadÂeÂmy of Art, comes an experÂiÂmenÂtal aniÂmaÂtion called “One Minute Art HisÂtoÂry.” This work has been described as “a fasÂciÂnatÂing monÂtage in which cenÂturies of artisÂtic trends are packed into a sinÂgle minute of film. StartÂing in ancient Egypt and conÂtinÂuÂing into present day, each image in this imagÂiÂnaÂtive aniÂmaÂtion is a fleetÂing visuÂal of the past.”
ElseÂwhere, the film has been described a bit more conÂcepÂtuÂalÂly:
Art hisÂtoÂry is a long tale which tells us what hapÂpened in the past, but canÂnot tell us where new opporÂtuÂniÂties lie. WaitÂing, like art itself, is an absurÂdiÂty, some kind of eterÂnal behavÂiour with no purÂpose and no endÂing.
The run time of “One Minute Art HisÂtoÂry” is, yes, one minute.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
An IntroÂducÂtion to 100 ImporÂtant PaintÂings with Videos CreÂatÂed by SmarthisÂtoÂry
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100,000 Free Art HisÂtoÂry Texts Now AvailÂable Online Thanks to the GetÂty Research PorÂtal
Good Work OpenÂCulÂture Team!
I was always fasÂciÂnatÂed with the hisÂtoric assoÂciÂaÂtions of art & it develÂopÂments. But a detailed video would have been a delight to watch.Any refÂerÂences to the same?