DurÂing the day, Xavier Van der StapÂpen runs an elecÂtric car comÂpaÂny. At night, the BelÂgian entrepreneur/designer helps spearÂhead the ORIG-AMI project, which creÂates origaÂmi-style cardÂboard tents designed to shield BrusÂsels’ homeÂless from the bitÂter cold of winÂter. CardÂboard is light and portable. It holds heat fairÂly well. And the cardÂboard tents (as opposed to othÂer strucÂtures) are legal on BrusÂsels’ streets. The cost for each life-savÂing strucÂture? Only $36.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
MIT CreÂates AmazÂing Self-FoldÂing OrigaÂmi Robots & LeapÂing CheeÂtah Robots
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