Spheres Dance to the Music of Bach, Performed by Glenn Gould: An Animation from 1969

From Nor­man McLaren and RenĂ© Jodoin comes a 1969 short ani­ma­tion called “Spheres.” Here, you can watch “spheres of translu­cent pearl float weight­less­ly in the unlim­it­ed panora­ma of the sky, group­ing, regroup­ing or col­lid­ing like the styl­ized burst of some atom­ic chain reac­tion.” All the while, “the dance is set to the musi­cal cadences of Bach, played by pianist Glenn Gould.” A per­fect com­bi­na­tion.

This film par­tic­i­pates in a long tra­di­tion of ani­ma­tions explor­ing geom­e­try, some of which you can find in the Relat­eds right below.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The First Avant Garde Ani­ma­tion: Watch Wal­ter Ruttmann’s Licht­spiel Opus 1 (1921)

Chuck Jones’ The Dot and the Line Cel­e­brates Geom­e­try & Hard Work: An Oscar-Win­ning Ani­ma­tion (1965)

Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of a Tri­an­gle: Watch the 1977 Dig­i­tal Ani­ma­tion That Demys­ti­fies Geom­e­try

Watch “Geom­e­try of Cir­cles,” the Abstract Sesame Street Ani­ma­tion Scored by Philip Glass (1979)



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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.