What Happens When a Musician Plays Stevie Ray Vaughan’s “Pride and Joy” on a $25 Kids’ Guitar at Walmart

There’s a max­im that says, “It’s not the gui­tar, it’s the play­er.” And the video above bears it out.

In this clip, musi­cian Clay Shel­burn and his pal Zac Stokes vis­it a Wal­mart at 3 a.m. and pick up a Dis­ney Cars 2 toy gui­tar. Next, they pro­ceed to play Ste­vie Ray Vaughan’s “Pride and Joy” and unleash the full poten­tial of that $25 gui­tar. The Bar­bi­es all go crazy.

When it comes to the blues, any old gui­tar will do. That we know. But if you care to watch Shel­burn play the same song on a gui­tar that runs north of $1,000, check out the video below.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Ste­vie Ray Vaugh­an Plays the Acoustic Gui­tar in Rare Footage, Let­ting Us See His Gui­tar Vir­tu­os­i­ty in Its Purest Form

Ste­vie Ray Vaughan’s Ver­sion of “Lit­tle Wing” Played on Tra­di­tion­al Kore­an Instru­ment, the Gayageum

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  • Biplab Poddar says:

    wow.Nice.I like this so much :) :) :) I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on the f# minor noc­turne! they’re beau­ti­ful pieces.Don’t get me wrong, you have to be strong and con­fi­dent to be suc­cess­ful in just about any­thing you do — but with music, there’s a deep­er emo­tion­al com­po­nent to your fail­ures and suc­cess­es. If you fail a chem­istry test, it’s because you either did­n’t study enough, or just aren’t that good at chem­istry (the lat­ter of which is total­ly under­stand­able). But if you fail at music, it can say some­thing about your char­ac­ter. It could be because you did­n’t prac­tice enough — but, more ter­ri­fy­ing­ly, it could be because you aren’t resilient enough. Mas­ter­ing chem­istry requires dili­gence and smarts, but mas­ter­ing a piano piece requires dili­gence and smarts, plus cre­ativ­i­ty, plus the immense capac­i­ty to both over­come emo­tion­al hur­dles, and, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, to use that emo­tion­al com­po­nent to bring the music alive.
    Before I start­ed tak­ing piano, I had always imag­ined the Con­ser­va­to­ry stu­dents to have it so good — I mean, for their home­work, they get to play gui­tar, or jam on their sax­o­phone, or sing songs! What fun! Com­pared to sit­ting in lab for four hours study­ing the opti­cal prop­er­ties of min­er­als, or dis­cussing Lucret­ian the­o­ries of democ­ra­cy and pol­i­tics, I would play piano any day.

    But after almost three years of piano at Orpheus Acad­e­my, I under­stand just how naïve this is. Play­ing music for cred­it is not “easy” or “fun” or “mag­i­cal” or “lucky.” Most­ly, it’s real­ly freakin’ hard. It requires you to pick apart your piece, play every lit­tle seg­ment over and over, dis­sect it, tin­ker with it, cry over it, feel com­plete­ly lame about it, then get over your­self and start prac­tic­ing again. You have to be pre­cise and dili­gent, cre­ative and robot­ic. And then — after all of this — you have to re-dis­cov­er the emo­tion­al beau­ty in the piece, and use it in your per­for­mance.

  • Jon says:

    Shut up you mel­on

  • Bettina says:

    Absolute­ly AWESOME. THANK YOU

  • Steve says:

    Love it!!!!

  • Mike Gomez says:

    Are you from New Mexico.?Just won­der­ing because your tat­too looks like a ZIA sym­bol

  • Mike Gomez says:

    Are you from New Mexico.?Just won­der­ing because your tat­too looks like a ZIA sym­bol.

  • Sherry Boyd says:

    Absolute­ly amaz­ing per­haps this will give par­ents and chil­dren insen­si­tive to start play­ing music even if you are low on finances. Thanks for shar­ing come vis­it us in Pen­saco­la Fla.

  • Ian says:

    That was absolute­ly bril­liant.
    Thank you very much.

  • Charlie says:

    Bril­liant ver­sion of the song and you still cap­tured that SRV vibe.

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