Of all the sciÂence classÂes required throughÂout priÂmaÂry and secÂondary school, most stuÂdents seem to like biolÂoÂgy the best. Maybe, dealÂing as it does with such familÂiar things as plants, aniÂmals, and human beings, the popÂuÂlarÂiÂty of biolÂoÂgy has to do with its clear relÂeÂvance to their life — or more to the point, to life itself. But any biolÂoÂgy-lovÂing youngÂster who decides to go take their studÂies more deeply into their favorite subÂject must soonÂer or latÂer make a difÂfiÂcult choice: what kind of biolÂoÂgy will they focus on? BioÂphysics, celÂluÂlar biolÂoÂgy, ecolÂoÂgy, enviÂronÂmenÂtal biolÂoÂgy, bioÂmeÂchanÂics, molÂeÂcÂuÂlar biolÂoÂgy, bioÂchemÂistry, evoÂluÂtionÂary biolÂoÂgy… the list seems endÂless.
So instead of lookÂing at the world of biolÂoÂgy as a list, why not look as it as a map? Domain of SciÂence, the Youtube chanÂnel preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured here on Open CulÂture for their map of mathÂeÂmatÂics, map of physics, map of chemÂistry, and map of comÂputÂer sciÂence, have just recentÂly put togethÂer one for biolÂoÂgy, a video tour of which appears above.
It begins with “the most basic unit in the founÂdaÂtion of all life,” the cell, conÂtinÂues on to molÂeÂcÂuÂlar, chemÂiÂcal, and physÂiÂcal processÂes, then to genes, popÂuÂlaÂtions, anatoÂmy, the immune sysÂtem, genetÂic engiÂneerÂing, paleÂonÂtolÂogy, and even the search for life in outÂer space, with many othÂer stops along the way besides.
“If there’s one word that describes biolÂoÂgy, it’s comÂplexÂiÂty,” says series creÂator and narÂraÂtor Dominic WalÂliÂman. “There’s a huge amount we still don’t underÂstand about how life works, how it startÂed, and how it endÂed up with intelÂliÂgent apes like us who are able to look back and try and work out. I feel like we’ll be makÂing new bioÂlogÂiÂcal disÂcovÂerÂies for many, many years to come.” EncourÂagÂing words for those stuÂdents now conÂsidÂerÂing going into one of the many bioÂlogÂiÂcal sciÂences, although they’ll still have to decide exactÂly which bioÂlogÂiÂcal sciÂence to go into — bearÂing in mind how many of those subÂfields have yet to emerge. It doesÂn’t take that intelÂliÂgent an ape to underÂstand that, before long, biolÂoÂgy’s going to need a bigÂger map.
You can purÂchase Domain of SciÂence’s maps as posters here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Map of Physics: AniÂmaÂtion Shows How All the DifÂferÂent Fields in Physics Fit TogethÂer
Free Online BiolÂoÂgy CoursÂes
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
where there is life, that is where biolÂoÂgy comes into play, I agree with that quote
Can you idenÂtiÂfy any potenÂtial impliÂcaÂtions or conÂseÂquences of the ideas disÂcussed?Telkom UniÂverÂsiÂty