What Happens When a Jazz Musician Accidentally Texts His Wife with Voice Recognition…While Playing the Trombone


A cou­ple of days ago, Paul Now­ell (aka Paul the Trom­bon­ist) sent out this sim­ple tweet, show­ing what hap­pened when his iPhone’s voice recog­ni­tion sys­tem hap­pened to cap­ture his trom­bone ses­sion and turned it into words. The tweet went viral. And now, 65,000 “Retweets” and 198,000 “Likes” lat­er, you can see how the orig­i­nal record­ing ses­sion went down. Enjoy the demo below:


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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Miles Davis Dish­es Dirt on His Fel­low Jazz Musi­cians: “The Trom­bone Play­er Should be Shot”; That Ornette is “F‑ing Up the Trum­pet”

Farmer Ser­e­nades Cows by Play­ing Lorde’s “Roy­als” on the Trom­bone

Direc­tor Michel Gondry Makes a Charm­ing Film on His iPhone, Prov­ing That We Could Be Mak­ing Movies, Not Tak­ing Self­ies

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