Net Neutrality Explained and Defended in a Doodle-Filled Video by Vi Hart: The Time to Save the Open Web is Now

By the end of Decem­ber, net neu­tral­i­ty may be a thing of the past. We’ll pay the price. You’ll pay the price. Com­cast, Ver­i­zon and AT&T will make out like ban­dits.

If you need a quick reminder of what net neu­tral­i­ty is, what ben­e­fits it brings and what you stand to lose, watch Vi Hart’s 11-minute explain­er above. It lays things out quite well. Then, once you have a han­dle on things, write or call Con­gress now and make a last stand for the open web.

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  • Thissite Isstupid says:

    This is the most ridicu­lous rep­re­sen­ta­tion of how prod­ucts, con­sumers and busi­ness work alike. You should real­ly take this video down, there is no chance a company/employer like UPS or USPS would have a dri­ver refuse to deliv­er a pack­age based on cir­cum­stances of an excess amount of pack­ages ordered and deliv­ered sole­ly from one sin­gle com­pa­ny. Your claim and stance is a sad attempt to sim­pli­fy an obtuse issue, it is mere­ly a mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion of a much more com­pli­cat­ed prob­lem you’ve over­looked and slan­dered immense­ly.

  • Haha says:

    Nope you’re wrong the video has been ok up on YouTube for ages it’s not made or host­ed here

    It’s also called an anal­o­gy ups and usps don’t do that they can’t it’s ille­gal and if they did there would be major out­cry and a swap to oth­er ser­vices but the equiv­a­lent is hap­pen­ing with­in your inter­net cables. And you can’t switch because while there’s AT&T and Ver­i­zon and Com­cast that are each com­pa­nies “com­pet­ing” to be web providers there are very few areas where you’re able to choose between them that’s a Com­cast area or that’s a Ver­i­zon area hap­pens and because no com­pe­ti­tion well they can prac­ti­cal­ly do what they want to the cus­tomer

  • Pocono Chuck says:

    The prob­lem is that the FCC is set­ting pol­i­cy that can (and will) vary when­ev­er the office­hold­er of the POTUS changes.

    Should­n’t this best be han­dled in Con­gress pass­ing leg­is­la­tion?

  • Hanoch says:

    I am not so sure. If broad­band providers such as Com­cast and Ver­i­zon were going to “make out like ban­dits” with­out net neu­tral­i­ty rules, why do they express­ly sup­port those rules? Here is Com­cast on the issue: “We sup­port per­ma­nent, strong, legal­ly enforce­able net neu­tral­i­ty rules.” And Ver­i­zon: “[W]e sup­port rules that pre­vent providers from inten­tion­al­ly slow­ing down or throt­tling Inter­net traf­fic based on the traffic’s source, des­ti­na­tion or con­tent.” (What the ISPs object to is Title II reg­u­la­tion, but that goes beyond net neu­tral­i­ty.)

    There are those who plau­si­bly sug­gest that broad­band providers sup­port net neu­tral­i­ty reg­u­la­tions because those reg­u­la­tions form a bar­ri­er to com­pe­ti­tion, there­by allow­ing incum­bent broad­band providers more, not less, pric­ing pow­er (gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tion almost always pro­tects mar­ket incum­bents who are capa­ble of shoul­der­ing the reg­u­la­to­ry costs, while upstarts can­not). You can read a more detailed counter-argu­ment on the issue of net neu­tral­i­ty here if you are inter­est­ed:

  • Gene says:

    This is stu­pid!

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