By the end of DecemÂber, net neuÂtralÂiÂty may be a thing of the past. We’ll pay the price. You’ll pay the price. ComÂcast, VerÂiÂzon and AT&T will make out like banÂdits.
If you need a quick reminder of what net neuÂtralÂiÂty is, what benÂeÂfits it brings and what you stand to lose, watch Vi Hart’s 11-minute explainÂer above. It lays things out quite well. Then, once you have a hanÂdle on things, write or call ConÂgress now and make a last stand for the open web.
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This is the most ridicuÂlous repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion of how prodÂucts, conÂsumers and busiÂness work alike. You should realÂly take this video down, there is no chance a company/employer like UPS or USPS would have a driÂver refuse to delivÂer a packÂage based on cirÂcumÂstances of an excess amount of packÂages ordered and delivÂered soleÂly from one sinÂgle comÂpaÂny. Your claim and stance is a sad attempt to simÂpliÂfy an obtuse issue, it is mereÂly a misÂinÂterÂpreÂtaÂtion of a much more comÂpliÂcatÂed probÂlem you’ve overÂlooked and slanÂdered immenseÂly.
Nope you’re wrong the video has been ok up on YouTube for ages it’s not made or hostÂed here
It’s also called an analÂoÂgy ups and usps don’t do that they can’t it’s illeÂgal and if they did there would be major outÂcry and a swap to othÂer serÂvices but the equivÂaÂlent is hapÂpenÂing withÂin your interÂnet cables. And you can’t switch because while there’s AT&T and VerÂiÂzon and ComÂcast that are each comÂpaÂnies “comÂpetÂing” to be web providers there are very few areas where you’re able to choose between them that’s a ComÂcast area or that’s a VerÂiÂzon area hapÂpens and because no comÂpeÂtiÂtion well they can pracÂtiÂcalÂly do what they want to the cusÂtomer
The probÂlem is that the FCC is setÂting polÂiÂcy that can (and will) vary whenÂevÂer the officeÂholdÂer of the POTUS changes.
ShouldÂn’t this best be hanÂdled in ConÂgress passÂing legÂisÂlaÂtion?
I am not so sure. If broadÂband providers such as ComÂcast and VerÂiÂzon were going to “make out like banÂdits” withÂout net neuÂtralÂiÂty rules, why do they expressÂly supÂport those rules? Here is ComÂcast on the issue: “We supÂport perÂmaÂnent, strong, legalÂly enforceÂable net neuÂtralÂiÂty rules.” And VerÂiÂzon: “[W]e supÂport rules that preÂvent providers from intenÂtionÂalÂly slowÂing down or throtÂtling InterÂnet trafÂfic based on the traffic’s source, desÂtiÂnaÂtion or conÂtent.” (What the ISPs object to is Title II regÂuÂlaÂtion, but that goes beyond net neuÂtralÂiÂty.)
There are those who plauÂsiÂbly sugÂgest that broadÂband providers supÂport net neuÂtralÂiÂty regÂuÂlaÂtions because those regÂuÂlaÂtions form a barÂriÂer to comÂpeÂtiÂtion, thereÂby allowÂing incumÂbent broadÂband providers more, not less, pricÂing powÂer (govÂernÂment regÂuÂlaÂtion almost always proÂtects marÂket incumÂbents who are capaÂble of shoulÂderÂing the regÂuÂlaÂtoÂry costs, while upstarts canÂnot). You can read a more detailed counter-arguÂment on the issue of net neuÂtralÂiÂty here if you are interÂestÂed:
This is stuÂpid!