Filmmaker Creates a Luxury-Style Car Commercial to Sell a 21-Year-Old Used Honda Accord

This is not your aver­age car com­mer­cial. It has the look and feel of the lux­u­ry car com­mer­cials you’ve seen so many times. And yet it fea­tures a car with 141,095 miles on it. Film­mak­er Max Lan­man cre­at­ed the ad to help his girl­friend sell her used 1996 Hon­da Accord. For rea­sons you’ll quick­ly under­stand, the video went viral, clocked more than 5 mil­lion views this past week, and when the car was list­ed on eBay, bids soared to $150,000–before eBay appar­ent­ly pulled the plug “due to con­cerns around ille­git­i­mate bid­ding.” Enjoy the ad. And remem­ber, “Lux­u­ry is a state of mind.”

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

178,000 Images Doc­u­ment­ing the His­to­ry of the Car Now Avail­able on a New Stan­ford Web Site

Hunter S. Thompson’s Edgy 1990s Com­mer­cial for Apple’s Mac­in­tosh Com­put­er: A Med­i­ta­tion on Pow­er

Jim Henson’s Com­mer­cials for Wilkins Cof­fee: 15 Twist­ed Min­utes of Mup­pet Cof­fee Ads (1957–1961)


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.