To Read This Experimental Edition of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, You’ll Need to Add Heat to the Pages

The Jan van Eyck Acad­e­mie, a “mul­ti­form insti­tute for fine art, design and reflec­tion” in Hol­land, has come up with a nov­el way of pre­sent­ing Ray Brad­bury’s 1953 work of dystopi­an fic­tion, Fahren­heit 451. On Insta­gram, they write:

This week our col­leagues from Super Ter­rain are work­ing in the Lab as a last stop on their all-over-Europe print­ing adven­tures. They showed us this remark­able book they made “Fahren­heit 451”. —

Want to see how the nov­el unfolds? Just add heat. That’s the idea.

Appar­ent­ly they actu­al­ly have plans to mar­ket the book. When asked on Insta­gram, “How can I pur­chase one of these?,” they replied “We’re work­ing on it! Stay tuned.”

When that day comes, please han­dle the book with care.

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via Twist­ed Sifter

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Ray Brad­bury Reveals the True Mean­ing of Fahren­heit 451: It’s Not About Cen­sor­ship, But Peo­ple “Being Turned Into Morons by TV”

Father Writes a Great Let­ter About Cen­sor­ship When Son Brings Home Per­mis­sion Slip to Read Ray Bradbury’s Cen­sored Book, Fahren­heit 451

Who Was Afraid of Ray Brad­bury & Sci­ence Fic­tion? The FBI, It Turns Out (1959)

Ray Brad­bury: “I Am Not Afraid of Robots. I Am Afraid of Peo­ple” (1974)

Ray Brad­bury: Lit­er­a­ture is the Safe­ty Valve of Civ­i­liza­tion

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