2,800 JFK Assassination Documents Just Released by the National Archives

Moments ago, the Nation­al Archives released a trove of 2,800 doc­u­ments that will shed more light on the assas­si­na­tion of John F. Kennedy. Accord­ing to the Archives, the release includes “FBI, CIA, and oth­er agency doc­u­ments (both for­mer­ly with­held in part and for­mer­ly with­held in full) iden­ti­fied by the Assas­si­na­tion Records Review Board as assas­si­na­tion records.” You can find the doc­u­ments here.

This data dump was meant to include even more doc­u­ments. But, accord­ing to The New York Times, Don­ald Trump “bowed to protests by the C.I.A. and F.B.I. by with­hold­ing thou­sands of addi­tion­al papers pend­ing six more months of review.” If those ever see the light of day, we’ll let you know.

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  • Jingleheimer Schmidt says:

    I’m not sure what they (FBI and CIA) hope to gain by wait­ing. Who could they still be pro­tect­ing, and what dif­fer­ence would six months make?

    If I were Don­ald Trump, I would­n’t take any open-car rides past any libraries between now and April 26th.

  • T.Weimar says:

    Appar­ent­ly some infor­mants are still alive.

  • bobby Ingram says:

    I notice the lev­el of ‘SWAMP Drain­ing’ has picked up with threats of arrest and jail time for Comey and Hillary. ANTIFA and BAMN have issued calls for rev­o­lu­tion start­ing Nov. 4. I per­son­al­ly don’t believe I have to buy more shot­gun ammu­ni­tion, but our pres­i­dent might want to be extra care­ful,.… because cor­nered rats will attack !!

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