Right now, PBS is in the midst of airÂing The VietÂnam War, a ten-part, 18-hour docÂuÂmenÂtary film series directÂed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. The “immerÂsive 360-degree narÂraÂtive” tells “the epic stoÂry of the VietÂnam War,” using nevÂer-before-seen footage and interÂviews. If you’re not watchÂing the series on the TV, you can also view it on the web and through PBS apps for smartÂphones, tablets, Apple TV, Roku and AmaÂzon Fire TV. Episode 1 appears above. Find all of them here.
Note: If these videos don’t stream outÂside of the US, we apolÂoÂgize in advance. SomeÂtimes PBS geo-restricts their videos. Also, these videos likeÂly won’t stay online forÂevÂer. If you’re interÂestÂed in watchÂing the series, I’d get going soonÂer than latÂer.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Don’t proÂmote this whiteÂwashÂing driÂvÂel: http://mailchi.mp/johnpilger/the-killing-of-history
“there is no menÂtion of VietÂnamese dead, only AmerÂiÂcans”
PilÂger demonÂstrates himÂself to be an idiot, purÂportÂing to review a 10-episode series based on the only episode he claims to have seen.
I’ve seen all 8 episodes shown so far, and it by no means is a whiteÂwash. ClearÂly at every step along the way, from start to apparÂent finÂish, the US made the wrong deciÂsion. The series makes that pretÂty clear except to the peoÂple who insist on plasÂterÂing their own interÂpreÂtaÂtion on top of it, regardÂless of the conÂtent.
My only comÂplaint is that you’re still left wonÂderÂing (so far) what the heck was going on in North Korea at that time, to motiÂvate so many to just throw away their lives. No matÂter what govÂernÂment lies they were fed, plainÂly many, many peoÂple were not comÂing back from their misÂsions. They had to know it was pointÂless.
(This site requires so many scripts to be enabled… is OpenÂCulÂture runÂning a coin mine or what?)
“there is no menÂtion of VietÂnamese dead, only AmerÂiÂcans”
PilÂger demonÂstrates himÂself to be an idiot, purÂportÂing to review a 10-episode series based on the only episode he claims to have seen.
I’ve seen all 8 episodes shown so far, and it by no means is a whiteÂwash. ClearÂly at every step along the way, from start to apparÂent finÂish, the US made the wrong deciÂsion. The series makes that pretÂty clear except to the peoÂple who insist on plasÂterÂing their own interÂpreÂtaÂtion on top of it, regardÂless of the conÂtent.
My only comÂplaint is that you’re still left wonÂderÂing (so far) what the heck was going on in North Korea at that time, to motiÂvate so many to just throw away their lives. No matÂter what govÂernÂment lies they were fed, plainÂly many, many peoÂple were not comÂing back from their misÂsions. They had to know it was pointÂless.
This link is useÂless for CanaÂdiÂans. PerÂhaps also for anyÂone outÂside the USA. Is this site just for AmerÂiÂcans?