This is a quick pubÂlic serÂvice announceÂment. If you believe in sciÂence and facts, read on.
Back in the 1980s, NASA pubÂlished a research report called “InteÂriÂor LandÂscape Plants for Indoor Air PolÂluÂtion AbateÂment” that grapÂpled with a parÂticÂuÂlar probÂlem: Many modÂern buildÂings (parÂticÂuÂlarÂly office buildÂings) have become so well insuÂlatÂed and herÂmetÂiÂcalÂly sealed that they allow for litÂtle “free air exchange.” As a result, toxÂins build up in these buildÂings (for examÂple, from the off gassing of furÂniÂture) and the inhabÂiÂtants evenÂtuÂalÂly pay a price.
In response, NASA looked for natÂurÂal ways to clean up these sealed spaces (like the InterÂnaÂtionÂal Space StaÂtion), parÂticÂuÂlarÂly by availÂing themÂselves of the natÂurÂal air filÂterÂing propÂerÂties of everyÂday house plants:
In this study the leaves, roots, soil, and assoÂciÂatÂed microorÂganÂisms of plants have been evalÂuÂatÂed as a posÂsiÂble means of reducÂing indoor air polÂluÂtants. AddiÂtionÂalÂly, a novÂel approach of using plant sysÂtems for removÂing high conÂcenÂtraÂtions of indoor air polÂluÂtants such as cigÂaÂrette smoke, organÂic solÂvents, and posÂsiÂbly radon has been designed from this work. This air filÂter design comÂbines plants with an actiÂvatÂed carÂbon filÂter as shown in FigÂure 1. The ratioÂnale for this design, which evolved from wasteÂwater treatÂment studÂies, is based on movÂing large volÂumes of conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnatÂed air through an actiÂvatÂed carÂbon bed where smoke, organÂic chemÂiÂcals, pathÂoÂgenÂic microorÂganÂisms (if present), and posÂsiÂbly radon are absorbed by the carÂbon filÂter. Plant roots and their assoÂciÂatÂed microorÂganÂisms then destroy the pathÂoÂgenÂic virusÂes, bacÂteÂria, and the organÂic chemÂiÂcals, evenÂtuÂalÂly conÂvertÂing all of these air polÂluÂtants into new plant tissue.(31“37) It is believed that the decayed radon prodÂucts would be takÂen up by the plant roots and retained in the plant tisÂsue.
You can read the rest of the study here. And, above, find a graphÂic (creÂatÂed by LovetheÂGarÂden) that visuÂalÂizes the results of the NASA study, showÂing which parÂticÂuÂlar plants will reduce air polÂluÂtion in your office and home.
For good meaÂsure, we’ve also added below a short video where researcher Kamal MeatÂtle “shows how an arrangeÂment of three comÂmon houseÂplants, used in speÂcifÂic spots in a home or office buildÂing, can result in meaÂsurÂably cleanÂer indoor air.”
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I just today disÂcovÂered this site, and have a feelÂing that I’ll be spendÂing the rest of my life here! When I’m able, I’ll donate what I can, but that day isn’t today. THANK YOU for this invaluÂable resource! A day withÂout learnÂing is a day wastÂed, and I don’t have all that many left.
SorÂry, but this doesÂn’t make a whole lot of sense. The NASA study says:
“The ratioÂnale for this design, which evolved from wasteÂwater treatÂment studÂies, is based on movÂing large volÂumes of conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnatÂed air through an ACTIVATED CARBON BED where smoke, organÂic chemÂiÂcals, pathÂoÂgenÂic microorÂganÂisms (if present), and posÂsiÂbly radon are absorbed by the carÂbon filÂter.”
If you don’t have the actiÂvatÂed carÂbon bed, the plants by themÂselves aren’t going to magÂiÂcalÂly suck polÂluÂtants out of the air.
Yeah, I believe it is absoluteÂly true, the numÂber of oxyÂgen plants will release will always puriÂfy our atmosÂphere. Keep sharÂing such amazÂing artiÂcles.