Adam Savage Takes Us Inside Jack White’s Third Man Records, the First New Record-Pressing Plant in the US in 30 Years

Jack White, best known as the front­man of The White Stripes, launched Third Man Records in 2001, which has since posi­tioned itself as “an inno­va­tor in the world of vinyl records and a bound­ary push­er in the world of record­ed music, aim­ing to bring tan­gi­bil­i­ty and spon­tane­ity back into the record busi­ness.”

After estab­lish­ing a phys­i­cal loca­tion in Nashville in 2009, Third Man Records opened a sec­ond site in Detroit, and now a new vinyl press­ing plant in the Motor City, pro­vid­ing a home to eight Ger­man-made record press­ing machines. Jack White told CBS, “One day, I want this place to be like what I had heard about Hen­ry Ford want­ed for Ford Motor com­pa­ny. Which was you pour in raw mate­ri­als on this side and out the oth­er side of the fac­to­ry pop out cars.”

Above you can get a half hour tour of the new record plant from Myth­buster’s Adam Sav­age. Enjoy.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hand­made Ani­ma­tion Shows You “How To Make a 1930 Para­mount Record”

How Vinyl Records Are Made: A Primer from 1956

Watch A Sin­gle Life: An Oscar-Nom­i­nat­ed Short About How Vinyl Records Can Take Us Mag­i­cal­ly Through Time

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.