Antti LipÂpoÂnen, a researcher at the Finnish MeteÂoÂroÂlogÂiÂcal InstiÂtute, gathÂered hisÂtorÂiÂcal data from NASA and proÂduced a short video effecÂtiveÂly showÂing that, from 1900 through 2016, the temÂperÂaÂture has steadiÂly gotÂten warmer worldÂwide. Each spoke of the wheel repÂreÂsents one of 191 difÂferÂent counÂtries. And the hotÂter the colÂor (e.g. oranges and reds), the warmer the temÂperÂaÂture. You can get a closÂer look at the hisÂtorÂiÂcal proÂgresÂsion here. The mateÂriÂals have been released under a CreÂative ComÂmons license on Flickr.
Note: If you want to betÂter underÂstand the sciÂence of GlobÂal WarmÂing, we’d recÂomÂmend watchÂing the lecÂtures from this free GlobÂal WarmÂing course from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ChicaÂgo:
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
GlobÂal WarmÂing: A Free Course from UChicaÂgo Explains CliÂmate Change
132 Years of GlobÂal WarmÂing VisuÂalÂized in 26 DraÂmatÂiÂcalÂly AniÂmatÂed SecÂonds
A Song of Our WarmÂing PlanÂet: CelÂlist Turns 130 Years of CliÂmate Change Data into Music
Frank Capra’s SciÂence Film The Unchained GodÂdess Warns of CliÂmate Change in 1958
Asi es…Despues de un calenÂtamienÂto breve viene un enfriÂamienÂto proÂlonÂgaÂdo. Asi fue desÂde 10,000 aC.