Image by RafÂfi AsdouriÂan, via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
Asked to list their favorite films of all times, most direcÂtors tend towards the canon. And why not? 8 1/2–loved by ScorsÂese and Lynch and many others–is an indisÂputable masÂterÂpiece, for examÂple. So is The GodÂfaÂther, Rashomon, VerÂtiÂgo, and any numÂber of movies that make top film lists over and over. The point is, most of the time, these lists are samey.
That’s why this list from Wes AnderÂson is a hoot. Here he’s not asked to list his favorites of all time, but rather to creÂate a Top 10 list of CriÂteÂriÂon titles. Yet here’s his M.O.: “I thought my take on a top-ten list might be to simÂply quote myself from the brief fan letÂters I periÂodÂiÂcalÂly write to the CriÂteÂriÂon ColÂlecÂtion team,” he says.
A lot of these films are rarÂiÂties, and AnderÂson admits he’s only just seen some of them for the first time. MarÂtin Ritt’s The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is one. RoberÂto Rossellini’s The TakÂing of PowÂer by Louis XIV is anothÂer. Of the latÂter, he says, “This is a wonÂderÂful and very strange movie. I had nevÂer heard of it. The man who plays Louis canÂnot give a conÂvincÂing line readÂing, even to the ears of someÂone who can’t speak French—and yet he is fasÂciÂnatÂing.”
Anderson’s comÂments are often quesÂtions, not definÂiÂtive stateÂments. Like us, he is just as mysÂtiÂfied by a film, and that feelÂing is probÂaÂbly why he likes them in the first place.
Of that RosselliÂni film he wonÂders “What does good actÂing actuÂalÂly mean?” And of Claude Sautet’s Classe tous risques he asks, “Who is our Lino VenÂtuÂra?” referÂring to the ItalÂian-born French actor who was once described as “The French John Wayne.” (So, the real quesÂtion is this: who is our modÂern day John Wayne?)
We’ll leave the rest for you to read, but for a direcÂtor so investÂed in artiÂfice and nosÂtalÂgia it was a surÂprise to hear how much he loves surÂreÂalÂist Luis Buñuel:
“He is my hero. Mike Nichols said in the newsÂpaÂper he thinks of Buñuel every day, which I believe I do, too, or at least every othÂer.”
Wes AnderÂsonÂ’s CriÂteÂriÂon ColÂlecÂtion Top 10
1. The EarÂrings of Madame de… (dir. Max Ophuls)
2. Au hasard BaltÂhazÂar (dir. Robert BresÂson)
3.Pigs and Battleships/The Insect Woman/Intentions of MurÂder (dir. Shohei ImaÂmuÂra)
4. The TakÂing of PowÂer by Louis XIV (dir. RoberÂto RosselliÂni)
5. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (dir. MarÂtin Ritt)
6. The Friends of Eddie Coyle (dir. Peter Yates)
7. Classe tous risques (dir. Claude Sautet)
8. L’enfance nue (dir. MauÂrice Pialat)
9. MishiÂma: A Life in Four ChapÂters (dir. Paul SchradÂer)
10. The ExterÂmiÂnatÂing Angel (dir. Luis Buñuel)
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Wes AnderÂson from Above. Quentin TaranÂtiÂno From Below.
StanÂley Kubrick’s List of Top 10 Films: The First and Only List He Ever CreÂatÂed
Ted Mills is a freeÂlance writer on the arts who curÂrentÂly hosts the artist interÂview-based FunkZone PodÂcast and is the proÂducÂer of KCRÂW’s CuriÂous Coast. You can also folÂlow him on TwitÂter at @tedmills, read his othÂer arts writÂing at and/or watch his films here.
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