Back in 1972, John Wayne recordÂed a spoÂken word album called AmerÂiÂca, Why I Love Her, described as “a series of heartÂfelt, patriÂotÂic speechÂes over a bed of stirÂring music.” You can stream the entire album below (or over on SpoÂtiÂfy). Above, we’re feaÂturÂing the 8th track on the release, Wayne’s recitaÂtion and exeÂgeÂsis of the Pledge of AlleÂgiance. Some will find it corny, othÂers rousÂing. PerÂsonÂalÂly, I’m not a fan of syrupy nationÂalÂism. But I’ll give Wayne’s interÂpreÂtaÂtion this–his take recÂogÂnizes AmerÂiÂca as a place of incluÂsiveÂness and openÂness, givÂing everyÂone equal access to its opporÂtuÂniÂties and instiÂtuÂtions. ComÂpare it with the nationÂalÂist rhetoric you hear today, and, you might find yourÂself longÂing for John Wayne’s sunÂnier AmerÂiÂca.
“I pledge alleÂgiance to the flag”
What do those words mean to you? To me they say, “Thank
you, AmerÂiÂca, for your strength, your courage and your
freedom…which has been a beaÂcon to the world for two
hunÂdred years.”
“Of the UnitÂed States of AmerÂiÂca”
Whose bright stars are fifty states…each bearÂing its
own stamp of indiÂvidÂuÂalÂiÂty. People…two hunÂdred
milÂlion strong…people who have come to her from all
corÂners of the earth.
“And to the repubÂlic for which it stands”
A land of laws…with an ingeÂnious sysÂtem of checks and
balÂances that allows no man to become a tyrant…and
lets no group prevail…if their powÂer is not temÂpered
with a real conÂcern for the governed…A land where the
right of disÂsent and of free speech is jealÂousÂly
guarded…where the balÂlot box is the sword…and the
peoÂple its wieldÂer.
“One nation under God”
A land where freeÂdom of worÂship is a corÂnerÂstone of her
being…A land graced with temÂples and churchÂes,
synÂaÂgogues and altars that rise in proÂfuÂsion to embrace
all the reliÂgions of the world.
A land forged by the hot steel of raw courage…and
formed forever…by the awful cruÂcible of civÂil war.
“With libÂerÂty”
Where man in purÂsuit of an honÂest life will not be
denied his chance…where her citÂiÂzens move freely
withÂin her vast borÂders withÂout hinÂdrance or fear…A
land brimÂming with opportunity…where freeÂdom of
choice is the guide for all.
“And jusÂtice”
The courts of our land are open to all. Its wheels of
jusÂtice grind for all causes…all peoÂple. They look to
every avenue for justice…every conÂcern of the
law…and they temÂper their reaÂsonÂing with merÂcy…
“For all!”
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I agree with everyÂthing that is said with the AmerÂiÂcan pledge.
I wish those words were realÂly true
A cerÂtain presÂiÂdent could benÂeÂfit from lisÂtenÂing to this…
A cerÂtain politÂiÂcal group would benÂeÂfit from payÂing attenÂtion to it!