See What Happens When a Camera’s Shutter Speed Gets Perfectly Synced with a Helicopter’s Rotor

Ger­man cam­era­man Chris Fay recent­ly post­ed on YouTube a neat video show­ing what hap­pens when the frames per sec­ond on a cam­era and the speed of a heli­copter rotor are per­fect­ly aligned. The heli­copter blades appear not to rotate at all. And the heli­copter hov­ers mag­i­cal­ly in the air. Even if you know the mechan­ics of the illu­sion, it’s still fun to watch!

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via PetaPix­el

Relat­ed Con­tent:

An Intro­duc­tion to Dig­i­tal Pho­tog­ra­phy: Take a Free Course from Stan­ford Prof/Google Researcher Marc Lev­oy

Vis­it a New Dig­i­tal Archive of 2.2 Mil­lion Images from the First Hun­dred Years of Pho­tog­ra­phy

Hol­ly­wood by Heli­copter, 1958

Watch Karl­heinz Stockhausen’s Great Heli­copter String Quar­tet, Star­ring 4 Musi­cians, 4 Cam­eras & 4 Copters

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.