American Archive of Public Broadcasting Lets You Stream 7,000 Hours of Historic Public TV & Radio Programs

An archive worth know­ing about: The Library of Con­gress and Boston’s WGBH have joined forces to cre­ate The Amer­i­can Archive of Pub­lic Broad­cast­ing and “pre­serve for pos­ter­i­ty the most sig­nif­i­cant pub­lic tele­vi­sion and radio pro­grams of the past 60 years.” Right now, they’re over­see­ing the dig­i­ti­za­tion of approx­i­mate­ly 40,000 hours of pro­grams. And already you can start stream­ing “more than 7,000 his­toric pub­lic radio and tele­vi­sion pro­grams.”

The col­lec­tion includes local news and pub­lic affairs pro­grams, and “pro­grams deal­ing with edu­ca­tion, envi­ron­men­tal issues, music, art, lit­er­a­ture, dance, poet­ry, reli­gion, and even film­mak­ing.” You can browse the com­plete col­lec­tion here. Or search the archive here. For more on the archive, read this About page.

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via Metafil­ter

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Library of Con­gress Makes 25 Mil­lion Records From Its Cat­a­log Free to Down­load

Library of Con­gress Releas­es Audio Archive of Inter­views with Rock ‘n’ Roll Icons

Library of Con­gress Launch­es New Online Poet­ry Archive, Fea­tur­ing 75 Years of Clas­sic Poet­ry Read­ings

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.