Image by Rob Kall, via Flickr ComÂmons
TimÂoÂthy SnyÂder, Housum ProÂfesÂsor of HisÂtoÂry at Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty, is one of the foreÂmost scholÂars in the U.S. and Europe on the rise and fall of totalÂiÂtarÂiÂanÂism durÂing the 1930s and 40s. Among his long list of appointÂments and pubÂliÂcaÂtions, he has won mulÂtiÂple awards for his recent interÂnaÂtionÂal bestÂsellers BloodÂlands: Europe between Hitler and StalÂin and last year’s Black Earth: The HoloÂcaust as HisÂtoÂry and WarnÂing. That book in part makes the arguÂment that Nazism wasn’t only a GerÂman nationÂalÂist moveÂment but had globÂal coloÂnialÂist origins—in RusÂsia, Africa, and in the U.S., the nation that pioÂneered so many methÂods of human exterÂmiÂnaÂtion, racist dehuÂmanÂizaÂtion, and ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcalÂly-jusÂtiÂfied land grabs.
The hyper-capÂiÂtalÂism porÂtrayed in the U.S.—even durÂing the Depression—Snyder writes, fueled Hitler’s imagÂiÂnaÂtion, such that he promised GerÂmans “a life comÂpaÂraÂble to that of the AmerÂiÂcan peoÂple,” whose “racialÂly pure and uncorÂruptÂed” GerÂman popÂuÂlaÂtion he described as “world class.” SnyÂder describes Hitler’s ideÂolÂoÂgy as a myth of racialÂist strugÂgle in which “there are realÂly no valÂues in the world except for the stark realÂiÂty that we are born in order to take things from othÂer peoÂple.” Or as we often hear these days, that actÂing in accorÂdance with this prinÂciÂple is the “smart” thing to do. Like many far right figÂures before and after, Hitler aimed to restore a state of nature that for him was a perÂpetÂuÂal state of race war for impeÂrÂiÂal domÂiÂnance.
After the NovemÂber elecÂtion, SnyÂder wrote a proÂfile of Hitler, a short piece that made no direct comÂparÂisons to any conÂtemÂpoÂrary figÂure. But readÂing the facts of the hisÂtorÂiÂcal case alarmed most readÂers. A few days latÂer, the hisÂtoÂriÂan appeared on a Slate podÂcast to disÂcuss the artiÂcle, sayÂing that after he subÂmitÂted it, “I realÂized there was more.… there are an awful lot of echoes.” SnyÂder admits that hisÂtoÂry doesn’t actuÂalÂly repeat itself. But we’re far too quick, he says, to disÂmiss that idea as a clichĂ© “and not think about hisÂtoÂry at all. HisÂtoÂry shows a range of posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties.” SimÂiÂlar events occur across time under simÂiÂlar kinds of conÂdiÂtions. And it is, of course, posÂsiÂble to learn from the past.
If you’ve heard othÂer informed analyÂsis but haven’t read Snyder’s New York Review of Books columns on fasÂcism in Putin’s RusÂsia or the forÂmer Yanukovich’s Ukraine, or his long artiÂcle “Hitler’s World May Not Be So Far Away,” you may have seen his wideÂly-shared FaceÂbook post makÂing the rounds. As he argued in The Guardian last SepÂtemÂber, today we may be “too cerÂtain we are ethÂiÂcalÂly supeÂriÂor to the EuroÂpeans of the 1940s.” On NovemÂber, 15, SnyÂder wrote on FaceÂbook that “AmerÂiÂcans are no wisÂer than the EuroÂpeans who saw democÂraÂcy yield to fasÂcism, Nazism, or comÂmuÂnism.” SnyÂder has been critÂiÂcized for conÂflatÂing these regimes, and risÂing “into the top rungs of punÂditÂdom,” but when it comes to body counts and levÂels of supÂpresÂsive maligÂnanÂcy, it’s hard to argue that StalÂinÂist RusÂsia, any more than Tsarist RusÂsia, was anyone’s idea of a democÂraÂcy.
Rather than makÂing a hisÂtorÂiÂcal case for viewÂing the U.S. as exactÂly like one of the totalÂiÂtarÂiÂan regimes of WWII Europe, SnyÂder presents 20 lessons we might learn from those times and use creÂativeÂly in our own where they apply. In my view, folÂlowÂing his sugÂgesÂtions would make us wisÂer, more self-aware, proacÂtive, responÂsiÂble citÂiÂzens, whatÂevÂer lies ahead. Read Snyder’s lessons from his FaceÂbook post below and conÂsidÂer orderÂing his latÂest book On TyranÂny: TwenÂty Lessons from the TwenÂtiÂeth CenÂtuÂry:
1. Do not obey in advance. Much of the powÂer of authorÂiÂtarÂiÂanÂism is freely givÂen. In times like these, indiÂvidÂuÂals think ahead about what a more represÂsive govÂernÂment will want, and then start to do it withÂout being asked. You’ve already done this, haven’t you? Stop. AnticÂiÂpaÂtoÂry obeÂdiÂence teachÂes authorÂiÂties what is posÂsiÂble and accelÂerÂates unfreeÂdom.
2. Defend an instiÂtuÂtion. FolÂlow the courts or the media, or a court or a newsÂpaÂper. Do not speak of “our instiÂtuÂtions” unless you are makÂing them yours by actÂing on their behalf. InstiÂtuÂtions don’t proÂtect themÂselves. They go down like domiÂnoes unless each is defendÂed from the beginÂning.
3. Recall proÂfesÂsionÂal ethics. When the leadÂers of state set a negÂaÂtive examÂple, proÂfesÂsionÂal comÂmitÂments to just pracÂtice become much more imporÂtant. It is hard to break a rule-of-law state withÂout lawyers, and it is hard to have show triÂals withÂout judges.
4. When lisÂtenÂing to politiÂcians, disÂtinÂguish cerÂtain words. Look out for the expanÂsive use of “terÂrorÂism” and “extremÂism.” Be alive to the fatal notions of “excepÂtion” and “emerÂgency.” Be angry about the treachÂerÂous use of patriÂotÂic vocabÂuÂlary.
5. Be calm when the unthinkÂable arrives. When the terÂrorÂist attack comes, rememÂber that all authorÂiÂtarÂiÂans at all times either await or plan such events in order to conÂsolÂiÂdate powÂer. Think of the ReichÂstag fire. The sudÂden disÂasÂter that requires the end of the balÂance of powÂer, the end of oppoÂsiÂtion parÂties, and so on, is the oldÂest trick in the HitÂlerÂian book. Don’t fall for it.
6. Be kind to our lanÂguage. Avoid proÂnouncÂing the phrasÂes everyÂone else does. Think up your own way of speakÂing, even if only to conÂvey that thing you think everyÂone is sayÂing. (Don’t use the interÂnet before bed. Charge your gadÂgets away from your bedÂroom, and read.) What to read? PerÂhaps “The PowÂer of the PowÂerÂless” by Václav HavÂel, 1984 by George Orwell, The CapÂtive Mind by CzesĹ‚aw Milosz, The Rebel by Albert Camus, The OriÂgins of TotalÂiÂtarÂiÂanÂism by HanÂnah Arendt, or NothÂing is True and EveryÂthing is PosÂsiÂble by Peter PomerÂantÂsev.
7. Stand out. SomeÂone has to. It is easy, in words and deeds, to folÂlow along. It can feel strange to do or say someÂthing difÂferÂent. But withÂout that unease, there is no freeÂdom. And the moment you set an examÂple, the spell of the staÂtus quo is broÂken, and othÂers will folÂlow.
8. Believe in truth. To abanÂdon facts is to abanÂdon freeÂdom. If nothÂing is true, then no one can critÂiÂcize powÂer, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothÂing is true, then all is specÂtaÂcle. The biggest walÂlet pays for the most blindÂing lights.
9. InvesÂtiÂgate. FigÂure things out for yourÂself. Spend more time with long artiÂcles. SubÂsiÂdize invesÂtigaÂtive jourÂnalÂism by subÂscribÂing to print media. RealÂize that some of what is on your screen is there to harm you. Learn about sites that invesÂtiÂgate forÂeign proÂpaÂganÂda pushÂes.
10. PracÂtice corÂpoÂreÂal polÂiÂtics. PowÂer wants your body softÂenÂing in your chair and your emoÂtions disÂsiÂpatÂing on the screen. Get outÂside. Put your body in unfaÂmilÂiar places with unfaÂmilÂiar peoÂple. Make new friends and march with them.
11. Make eye conÂtact and small talk. This is not just polite. It is a way to stay in touch with your surÂroundÂings, break down unnecÂesÂsary social barÂriÂers, and come to underÂstand whom you should and should not trust. If we enter a culÂture of denunÂciÂaÂtion, you will want to know the psyÂchoÂlogÂiÂcal landÂscape of your daiÂly life.
12. Take responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for the face of the world. Notice the swastikas and the othÂer signs of hate. Do not look away and do not get used to them. Remove them yourÂself and set an examÂple for othÂers to do so.
13. HinÂder the one-parÂty state. The parÂties that took over states were once someÂthing else. They exploitÂed a hisÂtorÂiÂcal moment to make politÂiÂcal life imposÂsiÂble for their rivals. Vote in local and state elecÂtions while you can.
14. Give regÂuÂlarÂly to good causÂes, if you can. Pick a charÂiÂty and set up autoÂpay. Then you will know that you have made a free choice that is supÂportÂing civÂil sociÂety helpÂing othÂers doing someÂthing good.
15. EstabÂlish a priÂvate life. NasÂtiÂer rulers will use what they know about you to push you around. Scrub your comÂputÂer of malÂware. RememÂber that email is skyÂwritÂing. ConÂsidÂer using alterÂnaÂtive forms of the interÂnet, or simÂply using it less. Have perÂsonÂal exchanges in perÂson. For the same reaÂson, resolve any legal trouÂble. AuthorÂiÂtarÂiÂanÂism works as a blackÂmail state, lookÂing for the hook on which to hang you. Try not to have too many hooks.
16. Learn from othÂers in othÂer counÂtries. Keep up your friendÂships abroad, or make new friends abroad. The present difÂfiÂculÂties here are an eleÂment of a genÂerÂal trend. And no counÂtry is going to find a soluÂtion by itself. Make sure you and your famÂiÂly have passÂports.
17. Watch out for the paraÂmilÂiÂtaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the sysÂtem start wearÂing uniÂforms and marchÂing around with torchÂes and picÂtures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-Leader paraÂmilÂiÂtary and the offiÂcial police and milÂiÂtary interÂminÂgle, the game is over.
18. Be reflecÂtive if you must be armed. If you carÂry a weapon in pubÂlic serÂvice, God bless you and keep you. But know that evils of the past involved policeÂmen and solÂdiers findÂing themÂselves, one day, doing irregÂuÂlar things. Be ready to say no. (If you do not know what this means, conÂtact the UnitÂed States HoloÂcaust MemoÂrÂiÂal MuseÂum and ask about trainÂing in proÂfesÂsionÂal ethics.)
19. Be as couraÂgeous as you can. If none of us is preÂpared to die for freeÂdom, then all of us will die in unfreeÂdom.
20. Be a patriÂot. The incomÂing presÂiÂdent is not. Set a good examÂple of what AmerÂiÂca means for the genÂerÂaÂtions to come. They will need it.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
UmberÂto Eco Makes a List of the 14 ComÂmon FeaÂtures of FasÂcism
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
3.a Library Bill of Rights. Point IV:
IV. Libraries should coopÂerÂate with all perÂsons and groups conÂcerned with resistÂing abridgÂment of free expresÂsion and free access to ideas.
SupÂport your libraries; free peoÂple read freely!
TimÂoÂtyh SnyÂder? The same bomÂbasÂtic warÂmonÂger teachÂing us on democÂraÂcy? Accept Trump and move for cryÂing out loud!
SupÂportÂing pubÂlic libraries, and fightÂing to keep them not only open, but operÂatÂing equalÂly for everyÂone, it more imporÂtant than ever.
numÂber 18 is danÂgerÂous, the police will be on our side unless they see us as danÂgerÂous to them. we are not in nazi gerÂmany yet, the gun idea will give the police that hold on to law and order as way to underÂstand sociÂety, no choice but to take the othÂer side as proÂtecÂtion
Have you seen the videos of police bruÂtalÂiÂty against minoriÂties that have been broadcasted/streamed for the past two and half to three years? Have you seen what is hapÂpenÂing right now to the peaceÂful proÂtestÂers around StandÂing Rock?
The police is no more a monoÂlithÂic entiÂty than women, or libÂerÂals, or Jews, or any othÂer group are. Some of them are decent peoÂple, but most of them preÂfer to keep quiÂet rather than rock the boat.
We already live in a counÂtry where many cops–indeed, entire police department–feel jusÂtiÂfied in denyÂing citÂiÂzens their legal rights, and where the courts tend to privÂiÂlege cops’ rights over those of the rest of the citÂiÂzenÂry.
This sitÂuÂaÂtion will not improve, just the conÂtrary, until this PresÂiÂdent.
Would have been a betÂter read 8 years ago.
Each side sees what they fear in their oppoÂnent I supÂpose.
I will nevÂer in my life just fall over backÂwards and accept any RepubÂliÂcans views ever. HisÂtoÂry shows that they look after their own monied kind. tRUMP being the prime examÂples these days as a politiÂcian who is after the “libÂerÂal agenÂda”. As a female no one is going to deny me the right to an aborÂtion basiÂcalÂly because what does a male know realÂly about delivÂerÂing a child. I become pro choice when one of my brothÂers announced to me that women do have aborÂtions via a knitÂting neeÂdle if they want it. Too, I think that men should be required to say to a female conÂtraÂcepÂtion or not!!
Rule 21: keep tv / cinÂeÂma celebriÂties out of polÂiÂtics.
If the revÂoÂluÂtion requires or even specifÂiÂcalÂly encourÂages eye conÂtact, then that revÂoÂluÂtion is excluÂsionÂary to me and peoÂple like me.
I am frankly tired of havÂing to menÂtalÂly remind myself, “this part wasÂn’t writÂten for me; that’s okay, they couldÂn’t have known,” every time I read an artiÂcle of “advice” from a non-disÂabled, neuÂrotypÂiÂcal perÂson.
I am tired of being a lifeÂlong leftÂist who nevÂerÂtheÂless seems to spend half my time in leftÂist and proÂgresÂsive spaces jusÂtiÂfyÂing eleÂvaÂtors, pre-sliced fruit, plasÂtic drinkÂing straws, scootÂers, “Big PharÂma,” and internet/laptop access to peoÂple who seem to conÂsisÂtentÂly forÂget that disÂabled peoÂple are usuÂalÂly the first casuÂalÂties of fasÂcism. We were last time.
I don’t say this to harp on a sinÂgle point, but to emphaÂsize the tone that is creÂatÂed, and to invite othÂer readÂers to quesÂtion how many of these tips are actuÂalÂly accesÂsiÂble to them, whether the inacÂcesÂsiÂbilÂiÂty comes from socio-ecoÂnomÂic staÂtus, geogÂraÂphy, disÂabilÂiÂty, or any othÂer facÂtors.
If voicÂes speakÂing from the same vanÂtage points keep leadÂing the disÂcusÂsion, how will we hear anyÂthing new?
two and a half years latÂer, we now see that trump absoluteÂly is an authorÂiÂtarÂiÂan. wants to destroy checks and balÂances. attemptÂing to prosÂeÂcute and jail politÂiÂcal eneÂmies. callÂing the press the “eneÂmy of the peoÂple.” packÂing the courts and fedÂerÂal govÂ’t with radÂiÂcals and sycoÂphants. attemptÂing to destroy objecÂtive realÂiÂty.
Well, you called that right!
Thank you for this. I hit that part in the artiÂcle (and then the “get outÂside and talk to strangers, put your body in unfaÂmilÂiar places” (not to menÂtion “use the interÂnet less” couÂpled with “keep up overÂseas friendÂships” — as of the interÂnet isn’t how most of us CAN have interÂnaÂtionÂal friendÂships!) and thought about how many of us live lives where we quite litÂerÂalÂly canÂnot do those things, and that doesÂn’t make us stooges for The Man.
A lot of good stuff in the artiÂcle, mind you! But it would be nice if just once the advice was a genÂtle reminder to able-bodÂied neuÂrotypÂiÂcal peoÂple to truÂly *see* those around them who go through life difÂferÂentÂly, and to take a minute to not assume things about everyÂone they encounter — instead of the advice being itself fraught with assumpÂtions about how peoÂple use techÂnolÂoÂgy and move through the world.
DidÂn’t COVID teach us *anyÂthing* about the valÂue of the interÂnet to keep peoÂple conÂnectÂed in meanÂingÂful ways? For a while there I almost believed that I might get to stop havÂing to explain to peoÂple that some peoÂple type because they’re deaf, order online because they can’t physÂiÂcalÂly go to the store, or group chat because they’re isoÂlatÂed. For a while there I enterÂtained a fanÂtaÂsy that there might be less disÂparagÂing of adapÂtive tech in this world.
I realÂly did not expect “make eye conÂtact” to make the list of ways to fight fasÂcism, though. Good grief.
Again, not to take away from the parts of this list that were excelÂlent, but: UnderÂstandÂing that there are a mulÂtiÂplicÂiÂty of expeÂriÂences and many valid ways of being social and existÂing physÂiÂcalÂly in this world is much more imporÂtant to the fight against fasÂcism than some cheap “go touch grass” cliche.