We’re Gonna Build a Fourth Wall, and Make the Brechtians Pay for It


By now, you undoubt­ed­ly know what hap­pened when Mike Pence went to see Hamil­ton on Fri­day night. And the brouha­ha that unfold­ed from there, par­tic­u­lar­ly on Twit­ter.

Tweets came and went through­out the week­end. But, if you’re keep­ing score at home, none out­fun­nied this tweet from Jere­my Noel-Tod. We’re suck­ers around here for Brecht­ian humor.

Find us on Twit­ter at @openculture.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch Them Watch Us: A His­to­ry of Break­ing the “Fourth Wall” in Film

The Cast of Hamil­ton Sends a Strong Mes­sage to Mike Pence (After the Crowd Jeers Him)

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