The History of Stop-Motion Films: 39 Films, Spanning 116 Years, Revisited in a 3‑Minute Video

With the release of Kubo and the Two Strings, Vugar Efen­di, a film­mak­er in the UK, cre­at­ed The Evo­lu­tion of Stop-Motion, a mon­tage that brings togeth­er scenes from 39 stop-motion films, span­ning 116 years. Although some trace the begin­nings of stop-motion ani­ma­tion back to the 1898 film, The Hump­ty Dump­ty Cir­cus, Efendi’s mon­tage takes The Enchant­ed Draw­ing (1900) as its start­ing point. Soon enough, we encounter Ladis­las Stare­vich’s insect-filled film, The Cam­era­man’s Revenge (1912). And then onward we go, hurtling through time, even­tu­al­ly reach­ing a more famil­iar set of films (Beetle­juiceWal­lace and Gromit, etc.). Find a com­plete list of films used in the mon­tage below. And enjoy the ride.…

‑The Enchant­ed Draw­ing (1900)
‑Fun at the Bak­ery Shop (1902)
‑El Hotel Elec­tri­co (1905)
‑Humor­ous Phas­es of Fun­ny Faces (1906)
‑The Cam­era­man’s Revenge (1912)
‑The Night before Christ­mas (1913)
‑Häx­an (1922)
‑The Lost World (1925)
‑The Tale of Fox (1930 ver­sion)
‑King Kong (1933)
‑The New Gul­liv­er (1935)
‑The Beast from 20,000 Fath­oms (1953)
‑It Came Beneath The Sea (1955)
‑Earth vs Fly­ing Saucers (1956)
‑The Sev­enth Voy­age of Sin­bad (1958)
‑Jason and the Arg­onauts (1963)
‑Closed Mon­days (1975)
‑Star wars IV: A New Hope (1977)
‑Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back (1980)
‑Clash of the Titans (1981)
‑The Ter­mi­na­tor (1984)
‑Robo­cop (1987)
‑Beetle­juice (1988)
‑Wal­lace and Gromit: A grand day out (1990)
‑The Secret Adven­tures of Tom Thumb (1993)
‑The Night­mare Before Christ­mas (1993)
‑James and the Giant Peach (1996)
‑Chick­en Run (2000)
‑Corpse Bride (2005)
‑Cora­line (2009)
‑Mary and Max (2009)
‑Fan­tas­tic Mr.Fox (2009)
‑The Pirates! In an Adven­ture with Sci­en­tists! (2012)
‑Para­nor­man (2012)
‑Franken­wee­nie (2012)
‑Star Wars VII: The Force Awak­ens (2015)
‑The Lit­tle Prince (2015)
‑Anom­al­isa (2015)
‑Kubo and the Two Strings (2016)

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Spike Jonze Presents a Stop Motion Film for Book Lovers

Going West: A Stop Motion Nov­el

Watch The Amaz­ing 1912 Ani­ma­tion of Stop-Motion Pio­neer Ladis­las Stare­vich, Star­ring Dead Bugs

4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More

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