Way back when, we feaÂtured an aniÂmaÂtion that docÂuÂmentÂed the first acid trip of novÂelÂist Ken Kesey. In Kesey’s case, it all hapÂpened in a careÂful, calÂcuÂlatÂed way in 1959, under the care and conÂtrol of the U.S. govÂernÂment. Six years latÂer and 5,000+ miles away, John Lennon’s maidÂen voyÂage went down in a very difÂferÂent way. A dentist–yes, a denÂtist of all people–slipped LSD into John and George’s cofÂfee, unbeÂknownst to them. Next thing they knew buildÂings were burstÂing into fire, and rooms morÂphÂing into subÂmarines. So began the BeaÂtÂles’ experÂiÂmenÂtaÂtion with psyÂcheÂdelics and new musiÂcal sounds, which, togethÂer, shaped their 1965 masÂterÂpiece, Revolver (stream it free on SpoÂtiÂfy).
John Lennon recounts that first acid trip in the aniÂmatÂed video above. The link between psyÂcheÂdelics and Revolver gets covÂered in a new piece in Rolling Stone.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Ken Kesey’s First LSD Trip AniÂmatÂed
Artist Draws Nine PorÂtraits on LSD DurÂing 1950s Research ExperÂiÂment
R. Crumb Describes How He Dropped LSD in the 60s & InstantÂly DisÂcovÂered His ArtisÂtic Style
Watch The BicyÂcle Trip: An AniÂmaÂtion of The World’s First LSD Trip in 1943
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