Why Economics is for Everyone!, Explained in a New RSA Animated Video

It has been a while, but RSA has returned with anoth­er one of their white­board ani­mat­ed videos. Dur­ing the ear­ly days of YouTube, they broke some aes­thet­ic ground by ani­mat­ing Slavoj Zizek on the Sur­pris­ing Eth­i­cal Impli­ca­tions of Char­i­ta­ble Giv­ing; Bar­bara Ehren­re­ich (author of Nick­el and Dimed) on The Per­ils of Pos­i­tive Psy­chol­o­gyDaniel Pink on The Sur­pris­ing Truth About What Moti­vates Us, and Stan­ford psy­chol­o­gist Philip Zim­bar­do on The Secret Pow­ers of Time. Now, they’re back with the influ­en­tial Cam­bridge econ­o­mist Ha-Joon Chang explain­ing “why every sin­gle per­son can and SHOULD get their head around basic eco­nom­ics.” Here, Chang “pulls back the cur­tain on the often mys­ti­fy­ing lan­guage of deriv­a­tives and quan­ti­ta­tive eas­ing, and explains how eas­i­ly eco­nom­ic myths and assump­tions become gospel,” help­ing you to “arm your­self with some facts” and take part in “dis­cus­sions about the fun­da­men­tals that under­pin our day-to-day lives.” If you want to get up to speed on eco­nom­ics, some of the resources below will undoubt­ed­ly give you a hand.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Free Online Eco­nom­ics Cours­es

Mor­gan Spur­lock, Wern­er Her­zog & Oth­er Stars Explain Eco­nom­ic The­o­ry in 20 Short Films

The His­to­ry of Eco­nom­ics & Eco­nom­ic The­o­ry Explained with Comics, Start­ing with Adam Smith

An Intro­duc­tion to Great Econ­o­mists — Adam Smith, the Phys­iocrats & More — Pre­sent­ed in New MOOC

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.