It has been a while, but RSA has returned with anothÂer one of their whiteÂboard aniÂmatÂed videos. DurÂing the earÂly days of YouTube, they broke some aesÂthetÂic ground by aniÂmatÂing Slavoj Zizek on the SurÂprisÂing EthÂiÂcal ImpliÂcaÂtions of CharÂiÂtaÂble GivÂing; BarÂbara EhrenÂreÂich (author of NickÂel and Dimed) on The PerÂils of PosÂiÂtive PsyÂcholÂoÂgy; Daniel Pink on The SurÂprisÂing Truth About What MotiÂvates Us, and StanÂford psyÂcholÂoÂgist Philip ZimÂbarÂdo on The Secret PowÂers of Time. Now, they’re back with the influÂenÂtial CamÂbridge econÂoÂmist Ha-Joon Chang explainÂing “why every sinÂgle perÂson can and SHOULD get their head around basic ecoÂnomÂics.” Here, Chang “pulls back the curÂtain on the often mysÂtiÂfyÂing lanÂguage of derivÂaÂtives and quanÂtiÂtaÂtive easÂing, and explains how easÂiÂly ecoÂnomÂic myths and assumpÂtions become gospel,” helpÂing you to “arm yourÂself with some facts” and take part in “disÂcusÂsions about the funÂdaÂmenÂtals that underÂpin our day-to-day lives.” If you want to get up to speed on ecoÂnomÂics, some of the resources below will undoubtÂedÂly give you a hand.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Free Online EcoÂnomÂics CoursÂes
…or, just read the book “Basic EcoÂnomÂics” by Thomas SowÂell!