Watch Star Trek: New Voyages: The Original Fan-Made Sequel to the 1960s TV Series

Sev­er­al weeks back, we fea­tured for you Star Trek Con­tin­ues, the crit­i­cal­ly-acclaimed, fan-made sequel to the orig­i­nal TV series, which tries to answer the ques­tions: What if Star Trek had con­tin­ued? How would the sto­ry have played out?

Oth­ers have tried to offer up answers to those ques­tions too. And we’d be remiss, a read­er remind­ed us, if we did­n’t give a lit­tle air­time to Star Trek: New Voy­ages, “the longest-run­ning, Star Trek orig­i­nal series fan pro­duc­tion in the world.” Here’s a lit­tle more infor­ma­tion about the pro­duc­tion from the show’s web site:

Cre­at­ed in 2003 by James Caw­ley, along with pro­duc­er Jack Mar­shall, the show strives to com­plete the “five-year mis­sion” of the Star­ship Enter­prise, “to bold­ly go where no man has gone before.” It’s cel­e­bra­tion of Gene Roddenberry’s lega­cy has won crit­i­cal acclaim and numer­ous acco­lades, as well as attract­ing the atten­tion and par­tic­i­pa­tion of Star Trek alum­ni such as George Takei and Wal­ter Koenig, who have returned to reprise their roles on NEW VOYAGES. We have even pro­vid­ed prop items for the actu­al STAR TREK fran­chise series “Enter­prise”!

All 10 episodes can viewed online or down­loaded from the show’s web­site. And you can also find them on YouTube too. Start with Episode 1 above.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch Star Trek Con­tin­ues: The Crit­i­cal­ly-Acclaimed, Fan-Made Sequel to the Orig­i­nal TV Series

City of Scars: The Impres­sive Bat­man Fan Film Made for $27,000 in 21 Days

How Isaac Asi­mov Went from Star Trek Crit­ic to Star Trek­Fan & Advi­sor

Nichelle Nichols Explains How Mar­tin Luther King Con­vinced Her to Stay on Star Trek

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.